NO LIMITS BLACKJACK was created in 2005 as the first of three group class projects at ITT Technical Institute, before it shut down.
The programmer was given a printout of broken code to fix. He not only fixed it but we added so many new features to the code such as character voiceovers, several background music tracks, ambience, industrial-ish graphics, and a "shoot the dealer" video scene. The cards were also scanned by hand!
THANATOS was created in 2005 as the second of three group class projects at ITT Technical Institute, before it shut down. One of our teachers had to end up giving us a basic code that he had lying around from his own class project. This was because the programmer COULD NOT get collision detection to work in time. So basically we had 4 class periods to make a game. And we did it! A different teacher created the first 3D Boss.
SIN HARVEST was created in 2005 as the last of three group class projects at ITT Technical Institute, before it shut down. This is a "Legend of Zelda" clone, from the days of nintendo, recreated in the days of flash just for fun and learning. I recruited some out-of-school friends to throw in some voices and like the other two games, made all the music and sound effects! Both this and Thanatos had two functioning levels, complete with bosses.
SUPER MARIO BROS: JERRY'S REMIX was created in 2007 after a fascination with mario level hacks way before the game Super Mario Maker came to exist. To make things interesting it's experimental as hell. If you mix certain environments with weird settings that don't match, you get, pink and green platforms underwater. The bloobers can also be stomped on when out of water. Hell I threw so much cool stuff in while breaking all the rules!