BahdKo's description of: Burnout


Burnout is a Montreal native, and played in the same player groups as Galiu and Sslasher. He speaks both English and French just fine, but I think his first language is English.

Stylistic information:

He's an extremely good, versitile player, both in 3-4 ways and 1 on 1. On Map1 he and Galiu tended to be about even, when I saw them play in 1997-1998, but they are good friends; The times that I saw them play, they seemed to be playing to have fun moreso than to try as hard as possible to beat one another. I don't want to fathom a guess as to how their Map1 games would have gone if one or both of them had been playing conseratively -- they are both better than I am and due to this, I can't judge between them effectively. Burnout's style comes off to me as being fast, ferocious, yet wise at the same time, and he plays every single map like an expert. He would massacre all non-DoomGods on any map he's familour with, and on his best maps he's right there with the rest of them. And -- his list of best maps is long.

Other details:

Burnout is a nice, likeable guy.

I went to a netparty at his house once (in his garage actually). It's confusing to drive in his neighborhood, because all of the intersections look the same. That mountain of snow next to his driveway was amazing.

Want to see a demo? A tournament game between Burnout and Yerac can be downloaded here. This demo does not appear to be particularly representative of Yerac, but it shows a good piece of Burnout's style.