BFG Stuff
The BFG room is the last door in the South Wing. there are 2 hallways inside the room. This is so that you can make a silent BFG on the edge of one hall, fire the green ball straight down the first hall, and turn and run down to the second hallway. This technique allows you to attack 2 hallways at once, one hallway is covered by the green ball, the other has your traces in it when the green ball detonates. I have deliberately placed these hallways at such a distance that you must straferun accurately to cover both hallways.
There are 2 pillars in the BFG room, you can use them for a variety of silent BFG and trace-attack practice sessions. You can use one pillar to make a silent BFG on, then attack the other one. And of course, in practice, all BFG's need to be silenced.