Overview of Facility
The Deathmatch Training Facility was originally released in April of 1997 as a zipfile with a lot of helpful information about how to learn to Deathmatch well in Doom2. It was named Facility.zip, and included:
In September of 2000, I began going through Facility and updating it's main informational textfile, Manual.doc. After adding new content and generally improving it, I decided to make this online, more guided format for Facility that would make the content more friendly to anyone who came passing by my Doom2 Deathmatch Webpage.
- a wadfile (doom2 level) named Facility.wad,
- recordings showing how to use Facility.wad (it is not a deathmatch map, it is a practice map),
- several documents that explained a lot about Doom2 Deathmatch,
- a bunch of recordings of various doomgods playing on their respective maps, and
- two discussions with doomgods regarding their gameplay on certain maps.
If you want to use the Deathmatch Training Facility as I intended it to be used, you should download the entire zipfile, located here. This zipfile includes the Doom2 Deathmatch level "Facility.wad" as well as all of the demos, interviews, and the textfile the entire Facility webpage is based on, Manual.doc.
For instructions on how to view a demo, go here. To run Doom2 and load the Facility level itself, unzip Facility.wad into your doom2 directory and run doom2 like this:
doom2 -file facility.wad -warp 1
Facility.wad is laid out like this:
All of the player starts are in the Ammo and Health Supply Center. When you exit this area through the door, you enter an alcove that connects the 2 main wings of the building. The South Wing is to the left hand side if you are exiting the Supply Center, and the West Wing is directly in front of you.
Standing in the doorframe of the Supply Center looking out
In the South Wing, the first door on the left is the wallrun area. The next door on the left is the BFG area. The walls of the South Wing hallway itself are useful for beginner wallrunners.
In the South Wing: Doors to the Wallrun and BFG areas
In the West Wing, the first door on the right is the Beginning Agility, Cyberdemon, and Height Differential area (this room is really 3 in 1).
The second door on the right is the General Weapons Handling area.
After a turn to the left, the next and last door is the Super-Shotgun and Shotgun-specific handling area.
The Facility.zip file contains:
Facility.wad --The Deathmatch Training Facility
Manual.doc --The Manual that accompanies Facility.wad
The BFG FAQ --A document written primarily by Tony Fabris
keybordr.doc --A discussion for keyboard-only players
begin.lmp --Demo of beginner skills as in Manual.doc
agility1.lmp --Demo of beginner agility only
weapons1.lmp --Demo of beginner weapons practice only
basicbfg.lmp --Demo of BFG stuff for beginners
intermed.lmp --Demo of intermediete skills as in Manual.doc
advanced.lmp --Demo of advanced concepts as in Manual.doc
facility.txt --The descriptive textfile for the wadSpecial Discusions, provided by the respective players
for this release of facility.zip:AdvMap01.doc --Discussion of advanced Map1 gameplay by DMcon1 Map1 tourney
winner GaliuXolMap11.txt --An Interview with Xoleras on Map 11 strategy
Recordings of great players, included for study:
Xol-Hij.lmp --Xoleras and Hijinks on Map 11
BurnGal4.zip --Burnout and Galiu on Map 1
sc-gr-ka.zip --Scratchy taking on 2 other players at once in a SSG map.
emb-chk.zip --Embrionic Pete and Chunkk on Map 7