The Rocket Launcher
This is the only weapon you can easily kill yourself with, as you already know I'm sure.
It has a medium speed repeat rate, a small amount of firing lag, and ammo lag as the rocket travels relatively slowly to its final resting place.
It has several different uses at medium range:
- When a rocket impacts an object or wall, it detonates and creates an explosion around the proximity of the impact that can hurt and kill, and this is a big part of its handling in corrador situations.
- It is useful through strategically firing it down corradors, through doorframes, firing angled into corradors so that the rocket impacts the wall in the middle of the corrador, and deliberately hitting specific corners and intersections. This kind of use can turn into an attempt to make a direct hit as well, should the opponant try to move through an area that is being attacked. Should a rocket score a direct hit, it usually kills whoever it hit.
- In a somewhat open area, it can be useful by firing it around an opponant in a pattern, or sometimes firing with precisely the correct lead time to make a direct hit on a moving opponant. The more advanced the opponant is, the less likely this is to be effective.
At long range:
- It can be used silently, using distance from your opponent to disguse the firing sound.
- It can be fired in a direction where it will travel a long distance, and enter an area where the opponant has a chance of presenting himself. You can use this to attack two areas at the nearly the same time, and even be using a different weapon while the rockets you fired 5 seconds ago are impacting.
Its weaknesses:
- Rockets move somewhat slowly; in fact, a straferunner can race a rocket in an open area, and given enough distance to chase it down, he can pass it.
- Especially in a game played over a LAN, its firing lag can leave the user vulnerable at medium and close range to SSG attacks, or even chaingun in some situations.
- It is generally useless as a point-blank weapon except in situations where you prefer to take the risk of serious damage (but sometimes a rocket point-blank in your opponant's face is the correct decision).
- It is easy to hurt yourself with.