Basic Straferunning: Theres a lot more to it than just ambling along.
Being able to move through the map with the maximum speed obtainable is one of the first considerations of a skilled deathmatcher. The first step toward this, in Doom2, is understanding and learning to use straferunning.
Straferunning is accomplished by activating both a strafe key and a forward/backward key at the same time. For a config that uses A as strafe left and S as forward, pressing them both at the same time and holding them is one of the combinations that creates straferunning. In Doom2, straferunning causes the player to run at a 38.6 degree angle, and most importantly, it is 28 % faster than normal running.
Straferunning angle while moving through Dwango5 Map1
Red arrow is approximate direction of movement
It also has the value of making vision biased to one side or the other, should the player be anticipating the opponent on a particular side. This view difference can be used to switch back and forth from a forward-left strafe and a forward-right strafe to provide an alternating wide-angle view when looking for an opponent in an open area. It also permits smooth transition into wall-runs (an advanced topic).
Two screenshots showing wide-angle vision due to alternating Straferunning
There are 4 directions that you can straferun: angled forward and to the left, forward and to the right, backward and to the left, and backward and to the right. The mouse is used to aim the player at the correct 38 degree angle so that he actually moves in the desired direction, which is not truly forward.
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