Session Start: Wed Jul 23 02:09:48 1997 *** TF: Talking in #deathmatch blah Session Close: Wed Jul 23 02:09:52 1997 *** Joins: NitEJadE (nightjade@d- k bak *** NitEJadE changed nick to NighTJadE * Krusty|CG is away....Since 20:44:25 [ n2 ] blah *** Joins: ODogg (violent@ca-6m75 *** Quits: JFL (Connection reset by peer) *** Quits: F|zurP (Leaving) anyone in here play Postal yet? Anyone in here play Shadow warrior? :) I was on some guys page and he said he helped test the game Postal and he was a reg here, anyone know who it is? started with an S but i can't recall what his name was..damn *** Quits: Vap (See ya!) yeah.. i play shadow warrior to warm up b4 a Rise of the Triad Deathmatch =) rise of the triad sucks I think, too easy to get frags with all the rocket weapons I know. Every weapon is a rocket launcher. Just different rockets. :) yep i'm downloading Postal, it looks awesome *** Joins: Kandyman (Zerstoerer@1 -Sto- 5<#doom2> blah hey bye *** Parts: Kandyman (Zerstoerer@1 :) *** Goatluvr sets mode: +o Sto *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o Sto god damnit i would really like to know where the HELL all my HD space went is that so heh time to go on a deleting spree hey, crypt, i can relate to that, just got a 2.5 a month ago and it's already filled up hard drives are like money, the more you got,, the more you waster err waste goodbye internet explorer demos suck up too much HIDDEN space or is it demoes....hrm... no, it's definitely demos *** Parts: NighTJadE (nightjade@d guess i should finally get a new hd panzer general II looks sharp * Krusty|CG is BacK iN BuSiNeSS * Krusty|CG Gone since 20:44:25 and for 38 minutes and 26 seconds. has anyone gotten the mercenaries d3d patch to work? golf with gunplay? Golf with gunplay, that'd be fun - ha ha I guess Golf isn't exactly deathmatch is it... well... it could be. Those clubs can be deadly instruments of destruction anyone deathmatched in 688 hunter/killer yet? bah *** Sto sets mode: -b *!*@*.awod.c om no 688 fans in here i suppose i think im going insane why going? *** Quits: _jj_ (Leaving) i gotta get out why you going insane? shut down win95 and watch tv or something or at least move from this spot "Suck harder!" choked the ear licking leather freak as the sphincter licking social worker lashed her pendulo us mammaries and ripped his prodigious candlestick into her welcoming nose. *** Quits: Crypt_Kpr (syntax: MEAT!!!!! good.) heh We have DIFFERENT amounts of HAIR -- Maybe we could paint GOLDIE HAWN a rich PRUSSIAN BLUE -- I would like to urinate in an OVULAR, porcelain pool -- *** Parts: ODogg (violent@ca-6m75 *** Quits: |CraSheR| (Broken pipe) *** Joins: SmIghT (Hberkley@tcnet *** Quits: Krusty|CG (CGib CTF - True Confessions by SmIghT i swear it.. i don't even like sex and she wants it non stop yea... his mom is a feisty woman! * Deth ducks heh True Confessions by Deth i aspire to be more like beavis, hes my idle! hey deth ho suicide *** Quits: mOOP|e (Connection reset by peer) *** Joins: leprechan (lepr@app41-5 *** Quits: leprechan (the dreams in which i'm dying are the best i've ever had) hummina hummina *** Quits: SmIghT (Leaving) * _Nuclear_ is back from whatever the hell I was doing.. *** Joins: Terata (jstatz@elk1-cs-8. *** Joins: sickman (sickman@206.1 00.53.226) *** Joins: _jj_ (jrj@tampa1-015.sout * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•sleep... need sLeEP•°·-·· Since:•21:52:03•·· Rec:•ON•··Pager:•OFF•·· *** Quits: Emb (Operation timed out) *** Joins: |CraSheR| (Nada@1Cust8 3.Max29.Seattle.WA.MS.UU.NET) !secure *** Joins: theyak (theyak@daphas0 theyak thesto hah *** Goatluvr sets mode: +o theyak *** theyak changes topic to "wewp" "Cheese it, the cops!" grunted the sweet nine-year-old as the egg-sucking archduke tongued her bloody ear lobes and forced his rapidly dwindling earthmover into her tightly tensed slot machine. *** Joins: FrgFuhrer (mutant@port-1 frg: who do you play first round for the madm tournement? don't know I play some guy named Interceptor... has anyone ever heard of him? he is from NY I have heard *** Joins: Krusty|CG (mmm15@CU- DIALUP-1605.CIT.CORNELL.EDU) frg: I hope to play you sometime during the tourney.. you will make short work of your first round I am sure *** theyak changed nick to yerac <_Nuclear_> nice pic dude: <_Nuclear_> http://www.quakemani con115.jpg unless i'm paired against chunkk or xol or you :) I am paired with a guy named Interceptor not sure who Chunkk or XoLeRaS are playing how do i find out? but it won't be you.. you are prolly playing HuggyBear or something Madm is sending the brackets out tonight hmm not sure what time though.. hopefully soon i don't even have madm setup never used it before maybe Gonad frg: madm setup? I never knew there was anything to set guess I will have to get that for when I play Interceptor i'm not sure if we need it or not no details on it i just hope the wads are not too lame i havent played many levels other then stock levels hehe...street racer..."st ock" :) hehe *** Joins: tork ( !op _jj_ yes i have your powerstr ip *** Joins: _spinal_ (_spinal_@uc25. blah fucking blah <_spinal_> bablah *** Joins: crom7 (Crom7@pm1-ppp *** Joins: _Hamr (hamr@dt010n17.t *** Quits: crom7 (Connection reset by peer) * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•sleep... need sLeEP•°·-·· Since:•21:52:03•·· Rec:•ON•··Pager:•OFF•·· * yerac rapes sto with a cucumber *** Parts: _Hamr (hamr@dt010n17.t *** Joins: _Hamr (hamr@dt010n17.t *** Joins: crom7 (Crom7@pm1-ppp <|CraSheR|> l8r poeple yo hamr people? -Sto- 7<#doom2> this guy is getting short on my shit list hammer time *** Quits: |CraSheR| (I'm late for dinner) * yerac flatuates <_Hamr> what up! that server we played on today was fuckin crazy, hamr. -_spinal_- •[WallOps]•/#doom2]> the name says it all -Sto- 7<#doom2> heh <_Hamr> yeah it was -Sto- 7<#doom2> it should be MrDumbass <_Hamr> was suprised to see you there was it ever i thought i was going to die it was so crazy i was so suprised to see you guys there -_spinal_- •[WallOps]•/#doom2]> I'd tell him I think he should change it to that, but I dont feel like arguing tonight hehe. shaddufuckup yerac -Sto- 7<#doom2> heh hehe well.. only conversation going thought I would join in <_Hamr> haha <_Hamr> Deth: you call that guy? haha yerac left a message on his answering machine <_Hamr> you put your name on thier mailing list right? *** Quits: tork (Leaving!) yea, but I'm not on of their customers right now, so they couldn't care less about me trockets and shit choped like hell tho this is irc, suicide. you don't gotta hit "t" to talk, ya know... * Deth grins Hamr: hey man... I have a few pics of me in nipple clips.. wanna take a look at them and tell me what you think? deth: hhahah.. I do that after every doom game.. I come on irc and hit t first for the longest time <_Hamr> ummm..... * Deth frowns *** Quits: Sto (Laterz) * yerac looks all innocent heh. ya pud oh yeah look whats right next to the "r" omg its a t! !!!!!!!!! omh? wtf is omg? hah! You know you fucked up. You've just found a convenien t way to cover it up "on my gonads" hehe oh my god hey bitch scroll up! the whole time im talking to u on my gonads its a t! sometimes i do it when i get off quake hehe FUCK U ALL! ! t haha now im gonna do it befor everything *** Quits: crom7 (Connection reset by peer) tFUCK U ALL! <_jj_> so you guys ready to play some quake yet? is the t tatooed there, or is it one of those press-on t things? deth is a pud not me, john. I'm out. 999ms ping tonight. *** Joins: crom7 (Crom7@pm5-ppp mindspring suxors <_jj_> so reconnect! he wont get .26 reconnecting won't fix it. they need to fix their usr netserver s Deth: change ISP's <_jj_> so.. you have been in first place with 999 pings before *** Quits: sseht (bbl) yerac, but mindspring gets kickass pings when it works too fucking good hrmmm <_jj_> just think of it as a chalange then quit yer fucking complaining :> yeah hasnt worked for lik 2 weeks and it never WILL never ever ever haha. dumbass. I'm not complaining. they are. suicide: have you ever witnessed deth sodomizing his cat? sure sure sure that/s what they all say no, but I have pics <_jj_> get southeast they someone once told me.....deth *** Joins: Hijinks9 (user888949@ip- oh god yeah he has pics I'm not the one doing it.. they are.. they are.. it never could be me cuz i am deth.. mancer's sex slave :[p hahah I was right in a sense, jj they rule for isdn. ;D sup sup hijinks? and that's all I knew them for how odd sup sup yerac <_jj_> yeah,yeah hijinks: Deth sent me some pics he took on his quick cam of him doing a strip tease.. wanna see them? <_Nuclear_> I want ISDN so I can be an lpb i wand ISDN so I can get pr0n faster want even I want isdn so I can ping flood jj lal al laugh ... nah I will pass just on the HIS part is a little bit of a turn off isdn is cool...cable would be nicer <_jj_> you getting cable suicide? <_Nuclear_> I just want to be an LPB...I hate being beaten by LPB's I know I could waste if I were an LPB also well not sure palmhardbor is where i live ...but u know how cable modems are lpb rox harbor too *** Joins: Sto (rbishop@port7.butte hahahahhaha i look at that and saw ... palm harder is where i live *** Quits: BlkStaff (Ping timeout) har har was thinking you were a freak for a moment ;) *** Quits: Hijinks9 (_.-'`~=}]©4ñîñJå §©®î¶+[{=~`'-._) yerac has seen the light im thinking u have a sick twisted mind heheheh thinking? and very horny nah not that i am a monk I'm gonna reconnect and see if the other two subnets are any better tonight. 66 is fucked * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•sleep... need sLeEP•°·-·· Since:•21:52:03•·· Rec:•ON•··Pager:•OFF•·· till mommy comes to visit ;) * ChoadFlap is back: Away for 6d6h44m [MN] *** Joins: _Sto_ (rbishop@port7.but then u let it alll out ;P *** Joins: _deth_ (deth@user-2k7i6 *** Quits: Sto (Broken pipe) who dont u log off irc first...scared to lose it ? suicide: you are a sexually frustrated young man........ you need to let deth take you into the back room *** Deth was kick'd by LuvEwe^QS (IMPOSTIPATOR!) *** _Sto_ changed nick to Sto <_deth_> ya. that loser has been making a try for it again <_deth_> and it took me over 5 minutes to flood him off the last time. How irritating! 50% dled of hexen2 beta woo *** Goatluvr sets mode: +o Sto *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o Sto -Sto- 8<#doom2> aargh *** SuiCidE changed nick to deth ;) *** _deth_ changed nick to SuiCidE W00000!!! *** deth changed nick to De5th *** De5th changed nick to Deth w000000t!!!!!!!!!!! look at me im a pud hehe i have a bad feeling ;) i know where to find u deth! *** Deth changed nick to CidE they! that's my nick! *** SuiCidE changed nick to Deth tleave me alone! hehe *** CidE changed nick to SuiCidE qwerty wow look at that rt whoa! my god right next to eachother damn it. I autogot my nick before finishing that *** Joins: mOOP|e (sws@dm3-7.slc. moopie haha deth errr u dont need a "t" totalk in irc har har har har har <_Nuclear_> twell yeah you do <_Nuclear_> tduh <_Nuclear_> tI mean, its habit to some people <_Nuclear_> tI can't get over it twhoa treally ;) tsorry tto thear tthat <_Nuclear_> theh, no problem <_Nuclear_> tjust don't take it to extremes please toh tu tmean tlike tthis tsorry t;) <_Nuclear_> thahah, he fuckin' uses the t to make a smiley :) hahahah -Sto- 8<#doom2> hahahah -_spinal_- •[WallOps]•/#doom2]> I luv this -Sto- 8<#doom2> thi sguy is a real cl00bie its hair ! ! *** Quits: yerac (SendQ exceeded) *** Quits: SuiCidE (tlater) *** Joins: yerac (theyak@daphas01 *** Joins: JFL (jfl@mon-pq8-29.netc -_spinal_- •[WallOps]•/#doom2]> shit I was just about to get doomrulz in on it heh -Sto- 9<#doom2> heh yerac, don't type /who *** Joins: Spam[DI] (bobs@port41. ;D haha that wasn't who hey *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o JFL *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o JFL I was checking to see who I had on ignore I guess I had a few too many people on ignore *** Joins: Galiu (Galiu@pm9-s4.col hahah *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o Galiu *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o Galiu hey yerac brb heya galiu galiu: did you get the match ups for madm yet? -Sto- 10<#doom2> this guy is pure llama material -_spinal_- •[WallOps]•/#doom2]> hehe *** Parts: FrgFuhrer (mutant@port-1 *** Joins: He||Dawg (~comrelms@h sup hd yerac: what do you mean? galiu: the list of who plays who * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•sleep... need sLeEP•°·-·· Since:•21:52:03•·· Rec:•ON•··Pager:•OFF•·· hey not much *** Joins: leprechan (lepr@app42-9 yerac: no where can I find that? wanna play doom2? check yer email galiu: it will come soon.. s'posed to come tonight yerac: ok... spam, me u mean try to sure oh, i waz talkin to HellDawg, sorry galiu: call me for a game =) yerac: hehe k, you bring ur skull I'll bring the hammer call me yerac: sorry I'm out of money nevermind spam galiu: mon dieu!! heh ok yerac: sorry man, I can't spend except on survival galiu: c'est la vie :p *** Parts: He||Dawg (~comrelms@h galiu: I will eventually play you through the MadM tourney i hope but if by chance.. you loose to nightjade..and I have to play him instead.. then oh well =) yerac: I think you will hehehe -Sto- 10<#doom2> this guy is a fruit *** Quits: mOOP|e (Connection reset by peer) no way. HuggyBear will dominate the tournament Deth: you shoulda entered the tournement *** Joins: SSlasher (Slasher@ts5-1 haven't played doom since that skater bitch got her knee bashed. ;D * yerac is away... (( picnic at the graveyard )) (since(09:49:57p m) (pager(off) *** Quits: Spam[DI] (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) *** Sto changed nick to JackNasty *** Quits: crom7 (Ping timeout) *** Joins: Del_Mal (~loki2@ppp-20 *** JackNasty changed nick to Sto *** Joins: crom7 (Crom7@pm5-ppp *** Sto changed nick to _MrDoE_ I need 4 or more really good quake players *** _MrDoE_ changed nick to Sto *** Quits: _jj_ (Ping timeout) *** Joins: LGD_rj ( *** Goatluvr sets mode: +o LGD_rj *** Parts: Strag (afox@cmh1-p122.n *** Joins: _duke_ (duquette@bos-u * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•sleep... need sLeEP•°·-·· Since:•21:52:03•·· Rec:•ON•··Pager:•OFF•·· *** Goatluvr sets mode: +o _duke_ *** Joins: Verge (verge@digital-1.c *** Joins: Strag (afox@cmh1-p112.n guys, if you can, please join Hamr's QW server to test out this level <_duke_> Strag: on my way <_Hamr> 27500 <_duke_> gotcha *** Joins: |NoaH| (NoaH@clw23101 *** Quits: crom7 (Ping timeout) duke: thanks man <_duke_> np <_duke_> this is slow I need 4 quake players doobie doobie doooooo... <|NoaH|> try #quake hows your bud ice doobie doobie doooooooo *** Quits: _spinal_ (I think when your eyes hurt from keeping them open its a good sign you need slee) <_duke_> Strag: d/l now *** Quits: Del_Mal (EOF From client) *** Parts: Verge ( *** Quits: _Hamr (EOF From client) <_duke_> gotta love a window for this man that map is a slow dl *** Quits: Terata (Connection reset by peer) <_duke_> thats what winquake is for <_duke_> window it *** Joins: Terata (jstatz@elk1-cs-8. *** Quits: Galiu (later all) *** Joins: F|zurP (FIZuRp@1Cust7. Max45.Atlanta.GA.MS.UU.NET) Life sucks. <_duke_> Deth: with the mad ax heh <_duke_> deth is using strag * JFL is away: Random message: I'm going to count the bristles in my toothbrush. -- Pager: !JFL * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•sleep... need sLeEP•°·-·· Since:•21:52:03•·· Rec:•ON•··Pager:•OFF•·· * JFL is back: I know... Who cares. *** Joins: CptnSpeed (sonny8@ppp *** Parts: CptnSpeed (sonny8@ppp *** Joins: Slashe (none@dial-cup1- *** Joins: Del_Mal (~loki2@ppp-20 -JFL- hehe memo2000 is a moron :) *** Quits: Del_Mal (EOF From client) *** Quits: Slashe (Leaving) * yerac is away... (( picnic at the graveyard )) (since(09:49:57p m) (pager(off) *** Joins: ScoobLINK (User@winch- *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +b *!*@* *** ScoobLINK was kick'd by LuvEwe^QS (Shitted: scoobydoo the racist dawg - 06/12/97 by Wurzle! * yerac is back... (( what lovely company they were )) *** Joins: tork ( *** Quits: Sto (Ping timeout) *** Goatluvr sets mode: +o yerac *** yerac changes topic to "#DM Con 97 : December 26-29 . Message Yerac for Complete Details" * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•sleep... need sLeEP•°·-·· Since:•21:52:03•·· Rec:•ON•··Pager:•OFF•·· *** Joins: Virtuoso (archvile@d-ma- *** Quits: SSlasher (Doom.) *** Joins: _Hamr (hamr@dt010n17.t *** Quits: yerac (syntax: doom2 Sslasher.. yer ass is grass.) oooh his ass is grass.. id be fuckin scared :) * _duke_ is away... (( autoaway (10min) )) (since(11:40:39pm ) (pager(off) 27500 come on over guys *** Joins: FrgFuhrer (mutant@port-2 *** Joins: Hijinks9 (user888949@ip- *** Joins: Scratchy_ (dead@slip166 *** Bahd^QS sets mode: +v Scratchy_ hey *** Parts: _Hamr (hamr@dt010n17.t *** Parts: Hijinks9 (user888949@ip- *** Joins: Zeus- (Zeus@pm3-ppp9. *** Parts: FrgFuhrer (mutant@port-2 -Virtuoso- [wallop:#doom2] im laughin! *** Joins: Hoopty (Hoopty@206.0.6 6.14) 27500 come on over guys! we need ppl! !op *** Goatluvr sets mode: +o Hoopty *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o Hoopty *** Joins: Sto (rbishop@port13.butt *** Hoopty sets mode: -b *!*@*.win. org *** Quits: Sto (EOF From client) *** Hoopty changed nick to Hoopster -Hoopster- (@[12]#doom2) virt: that chick sent me a pic of her -Virtuoso- [wallop:#doom2] yaya, ugly bitch -Hoopster- (@[12]#doom2) now im not going into that channel and i've changed my nick :O * Zeus- is away -Virtuoso- [wallop:#doom2] what channel? -Virtuoso- [wallop:#doom2] oh shit, that ugly eh? -Virtuoso- [wallop:#doom2] damn, lemme see the pic :) -Virtuoso- [wallop:#doom2] better watch it, c0r is an op in #doom2 :) -Hoopster- (@[12]#doom2) stop it c0r :P * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•sleep... need sLeEP•°·-·· Since:•21:52:03•·· Rec:•ON•··Pager:•OFF•·· -Virtuoso- [wallop:#doom2] no -Virtuoso- [wallop:#doom2] muaha! :) -Virtuoso- [wallop:#doom2] its how me n hoopty talk :) -Virtuoso- [wallop:#doom2] no c0rs gonna get rough! :) *** Joins: Crypt_Kpr (Crackhead@h ost-207-53-121-170.mia.bellsouth.n et) *** Joins: Hosebag (hosebag@dial t) *** Virtuoso changed nick to Hoopty -Hoopster- (@[12]#doom2) dont EVEN -Hoopster- (@[12]#doom2) haha * JFL is away: 08,09This color suck -- Pager: !JFL -Hoopty- [wallop:#doom2] whats da channel :) -Hoopty- [wallop:#doom2] which one is she? *** Joins: YyZeek (dpupello@brkfl2 -Hoopster- (@[12]#doom2) .#iainttellin! -Hoopty- [wallop:#doom2] should i? :) *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o YyZeek -Hoopster- (@[12]#doom2) Hell. No. -Hoopster- (@[12]#doom2) hell no *** Joins: Sto (rbishop@port20.butt *** Quits: _duke_ (ding a ding dang my dang a long ling long) -Hoopty- [wallop:#doom2] no no no, i mean should i tell him to type !op :) -Hoopty- [wallop:#doom2] im not that dumb..heh -JFL- hehe ok -Sto- 12<#doom2> what's up? -Hoopty- [wallop:#doom2] hoop3, she aint HORRIBLE.. -Hoopty- [wallop:#doom2] just ass ugly :) -JFL- playing with a morron * JFL is back: I know... Who cares. -Hoopster- (@[12]#doom2) you dont know which one she is either -Hoopty- [wallop:#doom2] id let her go down on me, thats bout it..hehe that map is sweet -Hoopty- [wallop:#doom2] well, neither are very pleasing to the eye.. -Hoopty- [wallop:#doom2] but.. yyzer -Hoopster- (@[12]#doom2) haha, id let a parapalegic go down on me. -Hoopster- (@[12]#doom2) j/k j/k Dehth haha, id let a parapalegi c go down on me. -Hoopster- (@[12]#doom 2) haha, id let a parapalegic go down on me. hehe.. shit ne1 here use worldcraft/ ? negative roger that *** Quits: Sto (Ping timeout) strag, you back? -Hoopty- [wallop:#doom2] hoop, cmon man, lemme fuck w/ her :) heh *** Joins: sseht (sseht@max01-37.q -Hoopty- [wallop:#doom2] not another one!!! aaayeee! -Hoopster- (@[11]#doom2) no way man! *** YyZeek changed nick to YyzSinned -Hoopster- (@[11]#doom2) :) Deth: sure am -Hoopty- [wallop:#doom2] aww.. dammit.. -Hoopty- [wallop:#doom2] ill give her a fake address n shit..hehe.. Deth: hopefully sometime we can get a good game going in there Deth: would be fun make a map that will replace dm3 as THE map for clan games. -Hoopster- (@[11]#doom2) haha Deth: even without the lightning :( yessir crypt, this map is awesome. and i will send deth over to rub lotion on you -Hoopty- [wallop:#doom2] which one is she? the one on the left right? haha. that lightning is great -Hoopster- (@[11]#doom2) left :( -Hoopty- [wallop:#doom2] YEEEK! hoopty: u do? -Hoopty- [wallop:#doom2] the one on the right woulda been bearable cuz.. uuh.. i dunno *** Joins: _Hamr (hamr@dt010n17.t thanks for the server, hamrMeister -Hoopster- (@[11]#doom2) haha, thats what i was saying <_Hamr> no prob Deth: did you see it in normal quake? it looks pretty cool there Hamr: yeah - thanks a lot man -Hoopty- [wallop:#doom2] you sure know how to pick em :) -Hoopster- (@[11]#doom2) haha *** Hoopty changed nick to Virt strag, yeah that's a blast -Hoopster- (@[11]#doom2) they find me man learn that map, hamr. If you make it to this coming lan party, we're gonna play it heh, pardon the pun hmm <_Hamr> will do lemme hold dat map...we could use it for the lan down here. Crypt: you want the beta to playtest it? you making it to the lan ,deth? *** Quits: Gripp (Leaving) Crypt: I'd sure appreciate some feedback on it sure strag. Crypt: you on ICQ? it's faster hamr, I just gave notice of my lease cancellation. 90% chance of getting into that apt next to Ben Hill in about 2 months sorry strag...heh i keep putting off getting that tork, yessir! coo <_Hamr> cool <_Hamr> Deth: we can start a gang them ;) hehe they're putting the cable modems in Suicide's area, too. With him as a 30ms pinger, I think we'll be banned from servers in no time. <_Hamr> haha i want 30ms pings heh goin to bed. later all. cya dude *** c0r is now known as hotNhorny hehe * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•sleep... need sLeEP•°·-·· Since:•21:52:03•·· Rec:•ON•··Pager:•OFF•·· *** Scratchy_ changed nick to DonDong sent again hmm hrmm *** c0r is now known as hotfem2 lemme come in in mirc going to sex this is fucked brb strag. *** DonDong changed nick to Scratchy_ k *** Quits: Crypt_Kpr (syntax: MEAT!!!!! good.) *** Joins: Crypt_Kpr (Crackhead@h ost-207-53-121-170.mia.bellsouth.n et) try it now.. cool *** Quits: |NoaH| (ting pimeout) *** Virt changed nick to hotfem3 there it goes slowly wanna do this in email? :) *** Quits: Krusty|CG (CGib CTF - *** sseht changed nick to oriface *** Parts: leprechan (lepr@app42-9 *** Scratchy_ changed nick to G-Sp0t *** oriface changed nick to jen14 *** JFL changed nick to mr-Sp0t *** mr-Sp0t changed nick to JFL *** Parts: F|zurP (FIZuRp@1Cust7.M ax45.Atlanta.GA.MS.UU.NET) Crypt: are you on ICQ? *** G-Sp0t changed nick to ackack nope. maybe i should get on it. Crypt: well, I can e-mail it if you want hey crypt heh hey scratchy *** ackack changed nick to Don_Dong you still playing quake? strag whatever.....go ahead....MEATPLOW@BELLSOU TH.NET yeah *** Joins: Terazilla (jstatz@elk1-cs- all caps? well crypt - did you get email about that doom tourney thing? *** Quits: Crypt_Kpr (ircd.concentric .net *** Parts: JFL (jfl@mon-pq8-29.netc *** Joins: Crypt_Kpr (Crackhead@h ost-207-53-121-170.mia.bellsouth.n et) *** Quits: _Hamr (EOF From client) crypt - did you get email about that doom tourney thing? grr yes crypt - you going to play in it? *** Quits: Terata (Broken pipe) *** hotfem3 changed nick to Virt sure why not *** Terazilla changed nick to Terata wouldn't that mess up your quake game though man? I think you should stick to quake man I mean why play doom when you have quake right? =) i think you fear me rusty me better yet, why not take up pac-man? do you fear the crypt if I said "yes" would you still play? Nite amigos *** Quits: YyzSinned (Michael Jackson's wife asked to rear their child. Said Michael, "That's my job") bahah yeah *** Parts: Virt (archvile@d-ma-taunt I didn't say shit then heh i dont have a chance I wonder if Xoleras is going to play i think he is *** Joins: Gripp (ruetem@farber250. I think I'm going to have to use all those cheats and wad-enhancers hey gripp is he the oldest good player out there? *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o Gripp *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o Gripp dunno heh i saw a picture of him once. hes rather built. * _Nuclear_ is back from whatever the hell I was doing.. he looks fucked up man looks like he lifted weights in prison bahaha *** Quits: jen14 (Connection refused) *** Joins: IroNovA (me@ppp052-trnt *** Quits: Deth (Ping timeout) confucious say: man with big snake must have big hole to keep it in who's the dong? * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•sleep... need sLeEP•°·-·· Since:•21:52:03•·· Rec:•ON•··Pager:•OFF•·· that confucious was one smart guy gripp! woo yer abck er back heh i wonder if the page with threshs playing bible is full and thats why i cant get on *** Joins: Chael (Chael@ws17.arise .net) what's the URL? *** Quits: tork (Leaving!) ahhahahha my HD is so full i cant do anything ategy/ *** Joins: BloodyCL (~bloodycl@si *** Goatluvr sets mode: +o BloodyCL time to delete stuff again *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o BloodyCL <== Don Dong !nwhois don_dong * Gripp thinks it be scratchy. *** Don_Dong changed nick to MaraDong * Hoopster is away... (( autoaw ay (15min) )) (since(09:30:17 pm) (pager(off) haha I bet you'd like to give mara your dong. this dong is staying with me Mara's got a dong already *** Joins: ScoobLINK (User@winch- nigger@@@ *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +b *!*@* *** ScoobLINK was kick'd by LuvEwe^QS (Shitted: scoobydoo the racist dawg - 06/12/97 by Wurzle! sack time..night all :) hahah HIM! hahahahah ahahha *** Joins: ANSi5 (Alphatron@d-ma-t haha there he is again night hoser * IroNovA wants someone to know what he means when he talks about ESP/IP packet encryption l8r hoser ;) *** Quits: Hosebag (http://www.mpo <--HEAT. NET Contest!!!) *** Quits: Maile (Leaving) *** Joins: Maile (Maile@ppp-206-17 anyone who'd like to beta test my level on a normal Quake server - ask Gripp for the level in a few minutes, as he's got a fast connection waagh. please join - the more the merrier! waaagh indeed If this many people are gonna want it, I'll I have to like, put it up for FTP download. Gripp: I doubt anyone will bug you for it :) strag: buny's server is qw. *** Joins: Spam[DI] (erby@port114. hey *** Joins: |Darien| (tuxedo_dar@sli spam! i just got my ass kicked so bad strag did you send it? *** Joins: Strag2 (afox@cmh1-p112. Crypt: yeah but it died strag did you send it? <|Darien|> can someone tell me how to play a doom2 wad over modem...i don't know how Crypt: want it again? the score was 41 to 107 *** Quits: LGD_rj (Dead socket) spam - at d2 or quake? * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•sleep... need sLeEP•°·-·· Since:•21:52:03•·· Rec:•ON•··Pager:•OFF•·· d2 *** Quits: Strag (Connection reset by peer) *** Strag2 changed nick to Strag quake modem is to fucked up *** Joins: aliengrey (aliengrey@208 .201.52.233) strag: it died? strag: try sending again to ag - are you still doing that tournement thing? oh i knew it, dmcon in the winter, which means d other SHIT i guess so hey, whats up with the doom2 respawn points, I've been told their random but i played a dude not to long ago who knew right where i was respawning every time spam - surround sound + headphones *** Quits: Gripp (bbiab) oic guys there's a QW server up ( 27500) if you want to join - c'mon in Crypt: I'm gonna try it again - if it works, please join that server anyone here ever have problems with doom95 recording .lmps? ok... * _Nuclear_ is outta here every time i try to, before the game starts it exits and says demo recorded <_Nuclear_> later *** Quits: _Nuclear_ (EOF From client) wow i g et a pretty good ping to it too spam - are you using "q" as one of your keys? *** MaraDong changed nick to Scratchy_ nope, this is before it even starts the game *** Quits: Terata (Ping timeout) dunno then Crypt: cool - it's sent 25% to the mail daemon strag: ok... *** Joins: Terata (jstatz@elk1-cs-4. *** Joins: WDragon (dragon@c1000 *** Parts: WDragon (dragon@c1000 Crypt: 74% hmmmm the only thing I have to eat is dry Crispix - and they're damn good! yessuh *** Quits: Maile (Leaving) heh lucky you! ive just got paper. Crypt: okay man - it's sent cool Crypt: do you know any ppl who can get on with us? give me a few minutes to receive it and shit Crypt: this map is a little large for only 2-6 ppl k uhm i could ask people in my clan Crypt: sure man - we could test it to see if it'll be THE map for clangames (replace DM3) :) Crypt: wouldn't bother me if it did me either heh *** Joins: mOOP|e (sws@dm1-7.slc. *** Joins: Virt (archvile@d-ma-taunt like i said....if it does replace dm3, ill have Deth run lotion on you. rub Crypt: how many ppl can you get? moople..hehe hmm * Strag would like that :) they are going into a clan game damn later all *** Quits: Spam[DI] (Leaving) *** Parts: |Darien| (tuxedo_dar@sli ok strag im getting it now * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•sleep... need sLeEP•°·-·· Since:•21:52:03•·· Rec:•ON•··Pager:•OFF•·· cool its takin a little while *** Virt changed nick to kegwhore *** kegwhore changed nick to KegWhore strag which doom maps did you makle? Crypt: Igor, Danzig, Judas *** KegWhore changed nick to Virt ah cool *** Joins: Gripp (ruetem@farber250. *** Joins: GoDSizE (Broken@ppp-2 *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o Gripp farber??? *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o Gripp *** Quits: FreshOne (Broken pipe) sigh its only 50% done you're back in farber? *** Joins: F|zurP (blah@1Cust74.Ma x42.Atlanta.GA.MS.UU.NET) hullo??? *** Quits: Terata (http://qteam.stom -- Paintball patch + QTeam, world's coolest Quake patch) hi *** Parts: GoDSizE (Broken@ppp-2 -Virt- [wallop:#doom2] whats he thinking? this is fuckin taking forever did some asshole mailbomb me or something heh heheh *** ANSi5 changed nick to ANSi5^QS *** Zeus- changed nick to ANSi yeah, sorry crypt, I was bored :) thought you could use some paging files from my NT machine ironova: i have already hired people to kill you *** ANSi changed nick to ANSi5|DR heheh I know, I met one today, real nice guy ya untill he assembles his rifle heh I could run, but I'd only die tired *** ANSi5|DR changed nick to _Zeus_ i couldnt even run out of my room without dying Iro: want to beta test a level? can't working on router thingy connection is bad irc doesn't seem to care *** Joins: FreshOne (freshone@A12 but my pop mailer is having spasms *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o FreshOne * _Zeus_ is away, getting some grub * Hoopster is back... (( Back. )) almost got it *** Joins: SmIghT (Hberkley@tcnet *** Joins: _XeNoS (~agate@mode * Hoopster is away... (( Dinner at...oh, 10:12pm... )) (since(10: 12:48pm) (pager(off) ok strag im there * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•sleep... need sLeEP•°·-·· Since:•21:52:03•·· Rec:•ON•··Pager:•OFF•·· *** Quits: SmIghT (ircd.concentric.n et *** Quits: mOOP|e (Connection reset by peer) *** Joins: Maile (Maile@ppp-206-17 xenos: man, why the fuck are you banned from #doom2? ya really.. <_XeNoS> suffering for my attempts to popularize blueguy i suppose :) that sux <_XeNoS> ask bahdko, they say she did that... I don't see the problem w/using blueguy *** Joins: sseht (sseht@max01-37.q <_XeNoS> careful ansi, they will get you too ;> night ppl no way hehehe I don't use it, but I don't see the problem regardless xenos : i think bahd got upset cuz you were distributing it <_XeNoS> i never sent it to anybody, was just offering <_XeNoS> what's with distribution? it's on anyway well, thats what im hearing <_XeNoS> i just feel the guy has done a superb job * Hoopster is back... (( Back. )) the guy? <_XeNoS> yeah, whoever created the file <_XeNoS> since we are talking... anyone wants to play? youc allin? <_XeNoS> yes hehe can't, I'm playin virt later? damn straight <_XeNoS> not sure, may go to bed ok <_XeNoS> feeling sleepy already, tough day... me too ne1 wanna call me for a game?:) *** Quits: IroNovA (Forever In Torment) <_XeNoS> fiz: me? Xenos: oh hey..:) hahah <_XeNoS> howdy :) Xenos: sure if u wanna:) *** Quits: Virt (see dew, BE dew) <_XeNoS> pick a map and the params... *** Quits: ANSi5^QS (do0m!) map1 skill 5 nomonsters old dm ..? <_XeNoS> timer? demo? I would play you in like dwango5 or something but I don't have it:) uhh play to 50? <_XeNoS> ok OR 100?:) doesn't matter to me.. 50? ok.. <_XeNoS> heh, we'll see ok got my #? <_XeNoS> demo? uhmm 1 sec.. I'll brb I gotta see if my modem is working in dos? <_XeNoS> OK *** Quits: F|zurP (Leaving) * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•sleep... need sLeEP•°·-·· Since:•21:52:03•·· Rec:•ON•··Pager:•OFF•·· *** Joins: fuckhead (m@pacific-17.v heyas !nwhois fuckhead !whois *!*fuckhead@* !whois *fuck*@* oh !whois *m@* what? <_XeNoS> LOL !whois m@* *** Joins: F|zurP (blah@1Cust89.Ma x30.Atlanta.GA.MS.UU.NET) k bak Xenos: ready? *** Quits: F|zurP (Leaving) *** Quits: _XeNoS (Leaving) * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•sleep... need sLeEP•°·-·· Since:•21:52:03•·· Rec:•ON•··Pager:•OFF•·· *** Joins: SmIghT (Hberkley@tcnet *** Joins: F|zurP (blah@1Cust97.Ma x30.Atlanta.GA.MS.UU.NET) fuck *** Quits: F|zurP (Leaving) *** Joins: |GoD| (EViLz@ip201.sacr *** Quits: SmIghT ( m * *** Quits: Gripp ( * *** Quits: aliengrey (irc.blackened.c om * *** Quits: Strag ( * *** Quits: Chael ( * *** Quits: sseht ( * *** Quits: _Zeus_ ( m * *** Quits: sickman (irc.blackened.c om * *** Quits: Natha|ie (irc.blackened.c om * *** Quits: LuvEwe^QS (irc.blackene * *** Quits: |GoD| (Broken pipe) *** Joins: LuvEwe^QS (~goat@lafc *** sets mode: +o LuvEwe^QS *** Goatluvr sets mode: +o LuvEwe^QS *** Joins: dem0n (dem0n@p26-dn.e I need to know, who is considered to be a DOOM GOD?? *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o BloodyCL anybody with a really big dick *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o Goatluvr No really me ME I AM sure, got any lmps? yeah can u dcc them? hm *** Joins: Gripp (ruetem@farber250. *** Joins: Natha|ie (hosebag@Shell .Busprod.Com) *** sets mode: +oo Gripp Natha|ie *** Goatluvr sets mode: +o Natha|ie I have them categorize d by "massacre", "slaughtering", and "out to pasture" which kind do you want Do you know the guy called SSlasher? *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o Natha|ie or O'Sensei? that bitch sucks them is both my bitches, tip from nut to nut biotch well can u dcc me a lmp of YOU (ver 1.9) *** Quits: dem0n (Killed ( (* <- *[]))) *** Joins: sseht (sseht@max01-37.q *** Joins: aliengrey (aliengrey@208 .201.52.233) *** Joins: Chael (Chael@ws17.arise .net) *** Joins: _Zeus_ (Zeus@pm3-ppp9 *** Joins: sickman (sickman@206.1 00.53.226) *** Joins: Strag (afox@cmh1-p112.n *** Quits: Strag ( * ask and they shalt be killed er thy even *** Quits: FreshOne (Connection reset by peer) *** Joins: FreshOne (freshone@A12 *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o FreshOne *** Joins: Strag (afox@cmh1-p112.n *** Quits: FreshOne (Connection reset by peer) damn net splits *** Joins: GoDSizE (Broken@ppp-2 *** Joins: f1 ( *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o f1 *** Joins: _144PoweR (netid@SLIP * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•sleep... need sLeEP•°·-·· Since:•21:52:03•·· Rec:•ON•··Pager:•OFF•·· *** Quits: _144PoweR (Adieu) *** Joins: ANSi5^QS (Alphatron@d- yo *** Quits: f1 (Connection reset by peer) *** Joins: FreshOne (freshone@A12 *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o FreshOne * Hoopster is away... (( autoaw ay (15min) )) (since(11:10:54 pm) (pager(off) *** Joins: f1 ( *** Quits: FreshOne (Broken pipe) *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o f1 *** Quits: f1 (EOF From client) this many people and nuthin *** Quits: Strag (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) *** Quits: ANSi5^QS (bed time for me!) *** ChoadFlap changed nick to LaBamba *** Joins: SmIghT (Hberkley@tcnet damn busy night tonite.. *** Quits: _Zeus_ (Leaving) * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•sleep... need sLeEP•°·-·· Since:•21:52:03•·· Rec:•ON•··Pager:•OFF•·· *** Quits: aliengrey (EOF From client) *** Joins: aliengrey (aliengrey@208 .201.52.233) *** Joins: FreshOne (freshone@A12 *** Quits: FreshOne (EOF From client) *** Joins: FreshOne (freshone@A12 *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o FreshOne *** Quits: Crypt_Kpr (EOF From client) it looks to mw like someone is newkin you guys uh jeah mann oh well *** Goatluvr sets mode: +o aliengre y *** BloodyCL sets mode: +o aliengrey bedie bye *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o aliengrey *** Parts: GoDSizE (Broken@ppp-2 *** Quits: aliengrey ( * *** Quits: SmIghT ( * *** Quits: Chael ( * *** Quits: sseht ( *.stanfor *** Quits: sickman ( * * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•sleep... need sLeEP•°·-·· Since:•21:52:03•·· Rec:•ON•··Pager:•OFF•·· *** Gripp changed nick to Gripp^Bed *** Quits: FreshOne (Connection reset by peer) *** Joins: FreshOne (freshone@A12 *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o FreshOne * Hoopster is back... (( Back. )) fucking a *** Joins: aliengrey (aliengrey@208 .201.52.233) *** Joins: SmIghT (Hberkley@tcnet *** Joins: sickman (sickman@206.1 00.53.226) *** Joins: Chael (Chael@ws17.arise .net) *** Joins: sseht (sseht@max01-37.q *** sets mode: +o aliengrey i got windoom to work but my mouse doesnt *** Quits: Scratchy_ (Ping timeout) *** Quits: sseht ( *** Quits: sickman (irc-e.primenet.c om *** Quits: SmIghT ( m *** Quits: aliengrey (irc-e.primenet. com *** Quits: Chael ( *** Quits: FreshOne (irc-e.primenet. com *** Quits: Natha|ie (irc-e.primenet.c om *** Quits: Gripp^Bed (irc-e.primenet .com *** Quits: Maile ( *** Quits: Khaz ( *** Quits: LaBamba (irc-e.primenet. com *** Joins: aliengrey (aliengrey@208 .201.52.233) *** Joins: sseht (sseht@max01-37.q *** Joins: Chael (Chael@ws17.arise .net) *** Joins: sickman (sickman@206.1 00.53.226) *** Joins: SmIghT (Hberkley@tcnet *** Joins: FreshOne (freshone@A12 *** Joins: Natha|ie (hosebag@Shell .Busprod.Com) *** Joins: Gripp^Bed (ruetem@farb *** sets mode: +oooo aliengrey FreshOne Natha|i e Gripp^Bed *** Joins: Maile (Maile@ppp-206-17 *** Joins: Khaz (~khaz@endor.hsutx .edu) *** Joins: LaBamba (verminata@sli *** Goatluvr sets mode: +o Natha|ie *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o Natha|ie *** aliengrey changed nick to bababooey *** bababooey changed nick to hahahah *** hahahah changed nick to aliengrey *** Joins: owly (beesknees@spi47.f Come to send, not condescend Transcendental consequences to transcend... Where we are...Who are we? Who we are... * aliengrey burps *** Joins: F|zurP (blah@1Cust4.Max 30.Atlanta.GA.MS.UU.NET) * F|zurP burps also.. asdjflj asjlkcxu * Hoopster is away... (( autoaw ay (15min) )) (since(11:58:41 pm) (pager(off) *** Joins: NighTJadE (nightjade@d yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ahhh...we come to snug the rooooster *** NighTJadE changed nick to NighTAwaY *** NighTAwaY changed nick to NighTJadE NooOoO he aint gonna diyiy!!! you know we ain't gonna dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeee, no, no, no, you we aint gonna diee! heh hehehehe. hmmm.. * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•sleep... need sLeEP•°·-·· Since:•21:52:03•·· Rec:•ON•··Pager:•OFF•·· too fuckin idle in here * NighTJadE slaps Bahd. Wake up. aliengrey: it always is when your here:) ;' Hey Aliengrey. You up for a game of Doom2? :) * F|zurP just played a game of doom2 with _XeNoS_ in which he was green and wuz lagged to HELL .. no doom modem is fucked LUKIN you don't play MODOOM anymore eithert? Jesus. No one plays anymore!! hey got cheat codes for doom 1 HAhahaha. NightJadE: I do..:) Drive down the street, can't find the keys to my own fucking home I take a walk so I can curse my ass for being dumb I make a right after the arches, stinking grease and bone Stop at the supermarket, people stare like I'm a dog F|Zurp: Where do you live? tn Hmm.. You gotta a 28.8? aliengrey: ehhe NightJadE: yea hoopty your negro looking ass awake? actually a 33.6.. but * Hoopster is back... (( Back. )) yes Zurp: Are you any good? :) ever see the pearl jam video of 'oceans' ? yes nope. NighTJadE: uhmmm, hrmm, well that depends on whether I'm lagged and whether I have played in awhile, so my answer is, not very good right now.. maybe moderate.. Ahh forget it then. :) fucking cool huh oh wait heh k i got it off a pj site last night Anyways. I'm too tired to play right now. that import video? NighTJadE: k Nope, i havnt. What site did you get it at? 1 sec know where to getem? Snap your fingers, snap your neck! http://www.fivehorizons .com/ w00 is it cool? f00D! goto song of the month yeah i've heard of it they only play it in europe I know you hear that pj is going to release a new album relatively soon? * F|zurP burps again.. i cant farging wait damn dr. pepper.. yeah this fall oh yeah that reminds me.. the other day I wuz walking into wal-mart.. Metallica's coming out with a new album this NOvembor! i heard they are going back to the ten and vs. sound yeah, punk rock style, heavier and I glanced at those generic coke liters and I saw one that said Dr. Spunker i liked no code :( sorta cool to get high to i like all their stuff i hate pj haters :) I'm getting high this Saturday for the first time in a LONG time. : I don't get high nemore. not since I got caught by the cops..:) Drinking is like 100x better than weed. you fiz? dont get high? daaamn 6mb video, 2 min 41 secs Nightjade: no shit! Trippin's pretty kewl... But... Kinda scary at times... Bad memories... night; what are you on you freak? drinking sucks 100x worse... No way! Drinking's awesome. Hoopster: drinking kicks ass! It's more exciting. NightJade: exactly you musta had lased shit...weed doesnt make things scary paranoia sometimes... but not scary I'm not talking about weed. hoopster: he said tripping I'm talking about acid fool! hoop you gettin the video * F|zurP boots hoopster in the ass! :) I fucking mad it once, and I took it. Budget fucking acid kix ass. yes ag Hoop: are you high now or what man???? * NighTJadE slaps hoopster's nigga ass. :) Hehehehe. acid is cool, i gotta say you usin isdn where is wurzle but it fuckes you up too much shrooms Can't get stuck in the trip... :) btw, jackie chan is the absolute shiznit heheh Is shiznit good, or bad? hoopty your negro looking ass awake? actually a 33.6.. but * Hoopster is back... (( Back. )) yes Zurp: Are you any good? :) fiz, are you on probatio n? *** NighTJadE was kick'd by Goatluvr (Public Flood) *** Joins: NighTJadE (nightjade@d *** NighTJadE was kick'd by LuvEwe^QS (Public Flood) *** Joins: NighTJadE (nightjade@d Whoopsat the hell was that. NighTJadE: its good you farging honkey What the hell?!!? video is kinda dark..bu t cool Did I do all of that? Ouch!> It's too late. Hoopster: no they let me off cuz my mom begged em and I wuz so young..14 your 14? daaamn I'm only 15... A damn yongin... *** Parts: owly (beesknees@spi47.f i cant find my pipe Hehehe. Dumbass. what bitch? Getting high or drunk alone sux. NightJadE: heh i threw my bowl in the woods 1 night got pissed You're like, "uhh, Hello?" ag: why? roll papers now ahh *** Quits: sseht (bbl) Puff Daddy!! Woo-Hoo! Hehehehe. dunno sucked at the moment NightJadE: actually it can be pretty cool, you don't have to worry about one of your friends high ass doing sumthing dumb.. I had to babysit my friends when we were high.. i dont have enought for a jiznoint fiz: amen to that Virt hit me in the head with a baseball bat when he was drunk one night. (virtuoso) * aliengrey is on the playboy cyber club pages w00 "Don't push us, cause we're close to the, edge!" "Why you wanna take us unda?" "Can't nobody hold me down!" Hehehe. Puff Daddy rules. NighTJade: no its "Were trying not to lose our heads..." I wasn't singing it in order... I know how it goes. :) ok :) Puff Daddy is like the only rap i like. Weird... sorry And MiB by Will Smith,. That's it. *** Joins: f1 ( Other than that! It's pure phucking metal and techno. *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o f1 i been listenin to faith no more their new album fucking rules ahhh kewl fonts! (IDLE Unknown command) :) ( ) ( ( ) ( Hehehhehe... * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•sleep... need sLeEP•°·-·· Since:•21:52:03•·· Rec:•ON•··Pager:•OFF•·· Man. *** Joins: gatkins (ident@usr21.jcco I hate when people do tha. if ya'll like Metallica, here's a good page.. http://users htm They leave an AWAY message ALL NIGHT, and they IDLE in the room. Bad Boys Bad Boys.. *** gatkins changed nick to FUCK_U_AO Whatcha gonna do? *** FUCK_U_AO changed nick to FUCK_AOL "What's MIB" "It's...d!" Here come da MiB's! "MIB" My inflaming butthole I watched the cops series "to hot for tv" it was like explicit as hell.. like women showing there boobs everywhere and like naked ppl everywhere.. with their faces blurred:) I wanted to get that pack of videos!! so, I watched Nina Hartley, too hot for TV. . .and she was sucking people's dicks Me and my friend ALWAYS watch cops! It's fucking hillarious! *** Quits: Maile (Leaving) Fuck_aol: nina harley? Galaxy defenders. fuckin a no pipe gotta make one now... Hoop: use a screw. :) Hoopster: foil pipes suck dick!:) NightJadE: amen to that:) Coke Bottle bong. :) NighTJadE: screw? fiz: tin can ;) Uh huh. Hehehe. hoopster: there ya go! "Bong Stories of the poor and homeless" Fuck_aol: nina harley? I heard there is going to be a Christy Cannon monster in quake2 nina hartley pRon star Why the hell do people spell it like that?!?!? pRon. What does that mean!?!?!? :) *** Quits: FreshOne (Operation timed out) i don't know , scaryname use to use it Probably a typo. :) heh pR0n! heh *** FUCK_AOL changed nick to GAY_SEX uhhh... *** F|zurP changed nick to FUCK_AOL hey! I know nina Harley! this guy in 3dfx is giving me shit about my nick Pr0n! *** FUCK_AOL changed nick to F|zurP sorry:) ag: know much about shrooms? *** GAY_SEX changed nick to BUTT_MONK btw where the fuck did Czaple go? he is usually on about now.. *** BUTT_MONK changed nick to FUCK_AOL -Apptivama- Fserve is up. Trigger: pussy Ratio: 1:10 Offering: I have lots of teen pussy pics, as well as some warez, and some mpegs, so type !pussy and unzip your pants! (<<>> v1.4) uh oh Frozen LAG!! *** Quits: aliengrey (Ping timeout) hehehehe. goto nude.women Blood v1.0 Quake v.1.06 Doom2 v1.9 Heretic v1.7 Attempting to establis h DCC session... DCC Session establi shed with yes sir Hexen v1.1 FUCK YOU DCC Session Closed 0 0 Can ne1 see this? anybody seen hexen ][ yup very sweet I seen it. It does look good. Really good. And Quake2 looks pretty hot too, [continuing...] yup duke3d v1.7d Shad Warrior v1.1 unreg [list complete] [zipping source...] [. [. ] [.. ] [... ] [.... ] [.....] [updating source...] [*zip complete*] [DCC'ing optimum OP] [connecting...] [connecting...] [connecting...] [connected] computer gaming world slammed SW into the mud [initiate file transfer] [set: T3 speed: UNLIM] [...%5...] [...%65...] [...%100...] [completed file transfer] [DCC closed] [Thank You] Whoops. I just noticed that shit was going into the room. :( * NighTJadE slams the door on his knucles... [quitting irc with min. lag] later. *** Quits: NighTJadE (NighTiRC By NighTJadE-_) * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•sleep... need sLeEP•°·-·· Since:•21:52:03•·· Rec:•ON•··Pager:•OFF•·· *** Joins: aliengrey (aliengrey@pp * Hoopster is away... (( autoaw ay (15min) )) (since(12:38:03 am) (pager(off) my fucking isp is fucking with me again and im about to snap *** FUCK_AOL changed nick to Butt_Nut hahahahah..14.4 god this sucks bbl gotta go to dos to convert some mp3s *** Quits: f1 ( nawc) *** Quits: fuckhead (Ping timeout) what is so special about mp3 *** Joins: Czaple (Czaple@digi2-00 *** BloodyCL sets mode: +o Czaple *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o Czaple *** Quits: F|zurP (Ping timeout) *** Parts: Butt_Nut (ident@usr21.jcc * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•sleep... need sLeEP•°·-·· Since:•21:52:03•·· Rec:•ON•··Pager:•OFF•·· *** Joins: |CraSheR| (Nada@1Cust2 .Max30.Seattle.WA.MS.UU.NET) AHHHHHHHH AHHAHAAH IM GOING NUTS HELL YES YOU STUPID ONLIN3HOSTBITCHPUN XNEGROX< OUDOWN IS MY NIGGRUXCLITPASTE, HEEE IS IN N ALL THE CLITREWMSJUICE HEY J00 CUNTSAQ CLITSAQLIQ0R SAQPRODCOWP ROD NIGGR0X OF A PONYASS REAL? W0W CUZ I HERD THAT BUT IF J00 SAW IT TOO IT MUST TRUE BEE HEY THERE BUNGSP ELUNKURR WASSUP??/? * Hoopster is back... (( Back. )) HEH JAG ME OFF HEHEHE I'M FUNNY AS HELL * Hoopster tuches *there* * Hoopster visits aliengrey's gymnasium * Hoopster gently touches aliengre y's nacho bell grande of love yeah yo * Hoopster feels aliengrey ware it smells funny playboy should do pr0n <|CraSheR|> hahaha this cyber club thing sucks <|CraSheR|> I just saw the people vs Lary Flint those nutra grain bars rule crasher: i liked that movie that movie rules <|CraSheR|> yea, it was bomb <|CraSheR|> courtney love <|CraSheR|> hehehe hehe you saw her poontang love is nasty <|CraSheR|> she rulz courtney hole im going to DL all those songs of the month that was a cool site ag yeah man wish the video wasnt so damn dark do they sell bootleg tapes? id rather see this on a tv with speakers and stuff i just want a bootleg of the concert in hartford ya, tv call mtv and ask them heh mtv sucks woo hoo...I get to go to court today cz! hey dude im hiiigh hey...I'm not :I I need some weed course I need money first why are you going to court? man, i've met like 3 people who like to drink more that smoke they are crazy roadblock.... I didn't have proper insurance (accordin g to them though I had my insurance card) so I gotta go to court what a shitter man at least you werent high i quit my job, now i got no money no woman jsut a car, peice of shit p120 yah. I should get stoned and go to court though *** Joins: stewwoh (stello@ip-43-15 ag: go back to school thats where the chicks are school is in teh fall they gotta let me off long as a show them proof that I had insurance at the time. Which is easy enough the no chics at community college bunch of old farts colleges suck I was lucky i got my gf she liked me for like 2 years :P *** Joins: Crypt_Kpr (Crackhead@h ) bunch of old people trying to get a GED or taking some college class for work <|CraSheR|> my fuckin gf told me she fuckin loved me today man, when i went to com college, i got lots o chicks * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•sleep... need sLeEP•°·-·· Since:•21:52:03•·· Rec:•ON•··Pager:•OFF•·· course they where mostly like 65 yrs old and shit... <|CraSheR|> hahaha heh well i bet they were nice and loose i got i want to goto wants uh..need a loan <|CraSheR|> dat must be stello? i aint thresh so i have to work for my money <|CraSheR|> hahaha heh <|CraSheR|> broken in fellin threshs glory wont last forever i bet alot of people are gonna get GOOD now <|CraSheR|> Crypt: you wanna play? soem ppl say i shoudl be a pr0n star heh no <|CraSheR|> haha man..give up. Just spend you $13000 on a new computer i just played HOURS of quake. <|CraSheR|> go for it alien <|CraSheR|> dam it czaple the 3dfx mech patch is out tell me if you can get it to work either that or put it in a bank with high intreast and having $1,000,000 in 10 years dude crypt: yah..I got it to work. Damn thing requires higher system requirements than mercs without the patch Czaple: it wont work ... i kjust get a black screen there was this computer company 7 years ago..if i put $1,000 in then...its worth $80,000 now crypt: did you upgrade to version 1.5 first? yes invest this..invest that..fuck you fuck that but uhm after i install it i have like 5 megs of HD space left dude It worked for me....umm..y ou need to have at least 10 megs extra for mercs that made me want to listen to ten <|CraSheR|> dam <|CraSheR|> anyone know where I can get C&C or Red Alert for free? how are the graphics? are they better than regular mech2 3dfx? 5 finger discount. pretty noose, is pretty pain Graphics look great. They added some new shit I don't think were in the orignal game like when you go high up on mountains it get's foggy around you cool! im gonna buy a new HD tomorow fuck this 730 meg shit you need a p166 (recommended) to run it with full graphic options p133 with light & particles shut off Man...the lightening looks cool as hell bah ill MAKE that bitch work on my p150 *** Quits: aliengrey (blah) <|CraSheR|> the p150 is one of da best chips Should just OC it to 166 (or more) 150 is basically a 166 anyway sigh i tired tried <|CraSheR|> yup fuckin errors so i put it back <|CraSheR|> da p166 sucks though why the hell is a 150 better than a 166 <|CraSheR|> but it price will drop next month brb <|CraSheR|> it's mor efficents <|CraSheR|> and there are less problems wit em heh...all of intel's shit is dropping 50% next month (well except the pro's I believe) *** Joins: aliengrey (aliengrey@208 .201.52.233) <|CraSheR|> yup <|CraSheR|> thhat's y I'll probably get one awjea...zepplin hmm <|CraSheR|> Zeppelin? i wanna know if the damn p2s wont fuck up with games or not bring in the sunshine, laugh in tha rain "Is that all?" yelled the large-boned defrocked nun as the tremendously hung faggot diddled her pink-tipped lungs and plunged his jutting choker into her gobbling damp. <|CraSheR|> Zeppeling rocks pIIs rock that's beautiful wish i could write.. i cant wait for worldcup 98 maybe i'll reload quake soon "Now!" ejaculated the lust-crazed German shepherd as the bicycle seat sniffing ex-celiba te masturbated with her rosebud vestibule and reamed his rapidly dwindling middle leg into her scabiferous inner ear. for the 3rd time * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•sleep... need sLeEP•°·-·· Since:•21:52:03•·· Rec:•ON•··Pager:•OFF•·· quake rules oh oh oh not like anybody will have family plans dec26-29th or anything oh oh oh my neck haha yeah man OH oh OH OH my neck oh my neck OH my neck tweek it? what the hell is yerac thinkin dec 26....pfft. hes canadian in montreal of all the lovely winter spots. * Hoopster is away... (( autoaw ay (15min) )) (since(01:28:25 am) (pager(off) fuckin canadians... i told yerac we had big canada day celebrations in tucson... maybe if canadians get running water theyll learn somethin he was like "really???" how much is a nice 2 gig western digital HD? * Hoopster is back... (( Back. )) Crypt_Kpr: probably $200-$230 canadians are just americans w/out guns 2 winters ago..went to canada right after xmas, save 2 cars on a one around cept me and my friend, 1 car is buried under snow, other car is cut in half..a long with the kid inside..cut in half..fucking sucked, ruin my whole weekend of nudie bars and buying beer at the age of 18..fuck that about a buck a gig save=saw er, buck a mg ag: you saw a killed kid? doop yeah wonder if I should wear my hemp hate to court tommorrow thats fucked up *** Joins: Gripp_ (ruetem@farber25 gripp Hoopster: that much?! damn your what cz? lil jetta sliced right in starin at the sight, and like..HOW THE FUCK THIS HAPPEN? *** Quits: Gripp^Bed (Connection reset by peer) then, heard the other car, buried under 20ft of d ended up diggin that guy out he was alive, fuckin miracle other dude had no legs..other half of car was like.. over there somehwere heh anybody dl the postal beta yet? err..hemp hat * aliengrey shuts up now Western Digital 1.6GB * Czaple has a hat made out of hemp i think a 1.6 would be more than enough 189.95 189.95 but if i got a 5 gig i coul up a game library crypt: no's never enough. I thought that when I got my 2.5 gig never enough hard drive never enough ram Western Digitial 4.1GB never ever *** Goatluvr sets mode: +o Gripp_ 399.95 we had 5's at best buy *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o Gripp_ fuck im gonna go to best buy tomorow and see don't get a 5 gig either. You'll make me jealous gripp me the microsoft mouse w/the long thin roller bar things... sux, eh? Czaple: ill just tell you i got a 1 gig i need me a good mouse what was that site, ag? logitech mouseman accept no substitute okay, that sounds cool how much ck 40 bucks cool *** Hoopster changes topic to "Anyone get their serial mouse to work in Doom95 under NT?" green eyed woman rule * Czaple has green(ish) eyes what was that pj site aliengrey? http://www.fivehorizons .com/ i'm surfin... *** stewwoh changed nick to stellsurf man, i find the weirdest sites in my url catcher see how they twist and shout I wonder if they'll let me take my bird into the court house "What a lover!" panted the large-hipped little matchgirl as the vile ex-woman fucked her dribbling buttocks and reamed his trunklike foaming choker into her slavering furrow. and smoke a joint in the bathroom and and....! i love to take my parrot out with me but i havent clipped his nails in 3 years heh My birds wings are clipped so I take it out with me thing must look like a hawk now i wanna do a site of the day type thing... except i'll call it "Costello's Whacked Out Site of the Time Period Defined by the Span of Time Between the Last Site Chosen and the Next One.... my bird would shit every 30-40 seconds. whaddya think? green stains covered my shirts I wanna go out like that rent a cop in The Relic. mine flys around the house hes not dumb enough to fly into window smoken a joint in the bathroom then some big ass lizard man comes a long and kills me heh have him fly in the toilet Get this bird is actually potty trained (some what) He'll hold his shit till I put em on a nice piece of furinture then shit on it well..mine talks *** Quits: Crypt_Kpr (syntax: MEAT!!!!! good.) So does mine. (well uhh kinda) It's a female though so it doesn't talk very well he says.."ernie" "make my day"(whens hes pissed off).."hello" does some cool whistles laughs too heh my bird get's pissed off and bits my ear when I don't scartch it's fucking neck my hair gets groomed if my bird did that, i would eat him for dinner or..if i got a hooded sweatshirt on with pocket in front, hed climb inside that and sleep Man..I hate when my bird does that. Cause then I gotta go masturbate (err..the grooming part) my bird saved the presidents life one time by taking a bullet used to bring him in shower with me umm....your not sleeping with em are you? * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•sleep... need sLeEP•°·-·· Since:•21:52:03•·· Rec:•ON•··Pager:•OFF•·· umm... i have a dog... I have 3 dogs hes gotten to be an asshole latlye, loud and shit...kee p him other room and every damn one of em has pissed on my floor ooooooonce.....apon a time.....i could loooooooove youuuuuuuuu * Hoopster busts out my dogs bark changed ...sounds like a bloodhound bark..hes gettin old i actually have 3 dogs... wolf hybrids... mom and two pups... one pup will go to dustin when he gets his propery er, property got 2 birds, 3 dogs, and a bunch of fish Czaple: does your house stink like animals? anyone have Another brick in the wall on cd?(pink floyd) my house smells like urine stained carpets used to have 3 parakeets..1 killed of its own, then they died off...2 dogs..1 died, now 1 dog..3 cats, they all died, 1 cat lived til she was 19 years old (world record is 22 years)..1 turtle..2 fish.. but you get used to it heh welp doods, im craching see you all later later hoops hey hoops check out my postal page yo adios whats the url? /~stello/postal ok stell, ill check it out *** Quits: Hoopster (syntax: i'm rooled) i found a page on the web where you can create a little java app and then get the code and paste it on your page... very cool i cant do frames wizard with my frontpage isp side is fucked up..pissin me off hell with it "Cheese it, the cops!" wheezed the sweet penguin as the nose-grooming social worker defiled her muscular globes and reamed his open sored jackham mer into her traveled mouth. "Not that!" bellowed the large-hipped virgin as the handsome hunchback diddled her rosey mammaries and augured his curved middle leg into her pulsing appendix scar. bad you can't make a vcd of a audio cd :I asfjasjlzxlkzb * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•sleep... need sLeEP•°·-·· Since:•21:52:03•·· Rec:•ON•··Pager:•OFF•·· assfjasjlzxlkzbLMNOPqrs tuvWXY & Z you realize & is the unknown letter of the alphabet never used in a sentance err.....word in a sentance but used in a sentance alone asljlkz b like the lonely horny butterfly he's so horny and lonely and he can't find any friends so he commited suicide poor lonely horny butterfl y boohoo *** Joins: ]{raShA (Nada@1Cust2.M ax30.Seattle.WA.MS.UU.NET) *** Quits: |CraSheR| (Connection reset by peer) *** ]{raShA changed nick to |CraSheR| Welcome my son. Welcome to the machine. Where have you been ? it's alright we know where you've been. You've been in the pipe line filling in time. My testicles speak of many things. But they speak of you the most my friend. Come one come all! See the singing clitoris in all it's glory! OK HARDDRIVE STOP SPINNING YOU HUNK OF FUCKING SHIT my cd-rom sucks. every time I put a fucking cd in it my computer looks up for like 10 seconds while it's reading the cd and half the time it doesn't even read the damn thing. Just says "cd not detected or drive not ready please insert cd bullshit" computers suck * Czaple wants scsi I had a dream I was flying after some dude who kidnapped some chick I know and I read a magically piece of paper (which happen to be page 7 of some big report) and I had 20 minutes to fly after him and find him *** Joins: codine (codeine@dal-167 sup ne1 heard of cheats for doom2 deathmatch? just as time was about to run out my female sidekick said she knew were they went. They had went to the basement of monster island. so we flew to monster island and I woke up while I was surfering down the side of a volcanco (in the form of godzilla) to the basement of monster island yeah there's that one that makes yer opponent look like the big spider thing... i use that one all the time fuckin cool dream zap * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•sleep... need sLeEP•°·-·· Since:•21:52:03•·· Rec:•ON•··Pager:•OFF•·· or the one where you can see through walls.. *** Quits: SmIghT (Broken pipe) or the one were you ;press the designated red button and the other player dies in a blood bath of steaming guts and blood and more blood and just lots and lots of blood and then you eat there heart and yell the "HOO RAHHH" then dance around there rotting guts till the you conjuer up the cyber demon Gorblog who then pisses of there putred intestines. Then you smoke a joint with Gorblog to thank him for his act of godlessne ss you never cease to amaze me czaple. damn you're here a lot When one has no life one tends to find one on irc because one has nothing else to do with ones time. *** Joins: Strag (afox@cmh1-p113.n QW Server up at 136.142.1 61.9: 27500 (beta testing a new QW level) QW Server up at 136.142.1 61.9: 27500 (beta testing a new QW level) grab the level at http://ww grab the level at http://ww damn you're here a lot *** Parts: codine (codeine@dal-167 * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•sleep... need sLeEP•°·-·· Since:•21:52:03•·· Rec:•ON•··Pager:•OFF•·· *** Quits: aliengrey (EOF From client) Phreaky Man were you around where gianni versace was shot? that's really sad...he was a kool designer.. Damn..that person has problems * Czaple is downloading the hexen2 beta. better be the real damn thing RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH DEATH DESTUcTION AND TINY LITTLE ONE LEGGED STAMPS THAT SING VARIOUS NATIONAL ANTHEMS FROM AROUND THE WORLD! Now that's what I call Fourplay * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•sleep... need sLeEP•°·-·· Since:•21:52:03•·· Rec:•ON•··Pager:•OFF•·· SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE P NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EED SLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEP hahahhahahha get it? Get it? HAHHAHAHHAHA HAHAH ehh..>I don't get it either <|CraSheR|> hmmm <|CraSheR|> I should too <|CraSheR|> I wish I could find some good celeb pics <|CraSheR|> how about free? <|CraSheR|> unless you gotz a password and user name try #xxxpasswords /~stello/postal/postchat.html please go there now thank you <|CraSheR|> what is it? go I would if I wasn't a homsexual clown. But laws of my race don't allow me to visit on-lline chat web page type deals come on man i need to see if it works biatch <|CraSheR|> homesexual? <|CraSheR|> shit you are? fagit! faggot find your own bundle of sticks to play wiht heh waiting <|CraSheR|> nope not me <|CraSheR|> I think stellsurf is oh come on... i just set this up and wanna see if it works <|CraSheR|> yea right pah fuckin leese <|CraSheR|> ok man <|CraSheR|> I will geez <|CraSheR|> since your doin a favor for me like pullin fuckin teeth you always gotta add that <|CraSheR|> hehehe <|CraSheR|> I hope you hook me up i'm workin on it dude, but these things could take weeks, months even <|CraSheR|> hehehe i hope yer browser is loading my shit man... <|CraSheR|> ok <|CraSheR|> ok <|CraSheR|> nope <|CraSheR|> doesn't work no java on your browser, crash? <|CraSheR|> yup <|CraSheR|> no java ahhh well then loser <|CraSheR|> sorry dude <|CraSheR|> I tried =] <|CraSheR|> ouch heheh thanks man zap made it i'm away for a bit <|CraSheR|> what is it anyway? like a web irc client connected to a chat server kinda like ID has (or had ...havn'et looked in awhile) on there page *** Joins: fuckhead (m@pacific-7.vf. * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•sleep... need sLeEP•°·-·· Since:•21:52:03•·· Rec:•ON•··Pager:•OFF•·· * Bahd^QS has returned... *** tORn fLESh: Total of (4) messages/pages while you were away. Hit •Shift-F5• to view them. -LuvEwe^QS- _duke_!duquette@bo signed off 0 days, 6 hours, 16 minutes and 19 seconds ago with message [ding a ding dang my dang a long ling long] <|CraSheR|> w00p bahd is back <|CraSheR|> my prayers are answered hi *** tORn fLESh: 10 Minute LAG Update <|CraSheR|> sup Bahd prayers? uh heh <|CraSheR|> hehe <|CraSheR|> you no it HSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS S man even tho i had 8 hours sleep i could sleep more <|CraSheR|> your the only chick that I no of that kicks ass at doom SUns coming up ohh.. <|CraSheR|> not here yet <|CraSheR|> I'm about to through the biggest baddest doom net party theres supposed to be one other named nemesis in new york state, i dont know if shes freaked out on Quake tho (like most of the rest of the deathmatch world) 5 hours till I'm in court Crasher: cool man wheres this? Cz: uhh .. that sucks remember nemesis from dwango <|CraSheR|> to far for u <|CraSheR|> Washington what for zap dauh yo bahs waashington state er, bahd Hi Stewwoh <|CraSheR|> it's gonna last 7 days because the cops weren't satisfied with my insuranc e card so they wrote meup <|CraSheR|> court sucks Cz: um... fuckers. Cz: are you gonna make the cop look like the fucked up asshole he is, you think>? <|CraSheR|> shit <|CraSheR|> 7 days of fuckin doom <|CraSheR|> this will truely be leet crash: hehe, that will rule .. i think you will hate modem doom afterward tho. Actually he was a she and it was at a road block so I doubt the cop will show up in court <|CraSheR|> I do hate modem doom <|CraSheR|> I've been playin doom a short time but I can hold my own <|CraSheR|> espically when it's fast he heh <|CraSheR|> I think you might be supprised at my skillz <|CraSheR|> what little I have Crasher is nemesis still on your dwango server? <|CraSheR|> nope <|CraSheR|> I've never played dwango aack <|CraSheR|> do you no MrBlue? um.. ive heard the name.. i think one posts in the newsgroups <|CraSheR|> huh? <|CraSheR|> he's friends with MrElite <|CraSheR|> and MrWhite <|CraSheR|> all those guys are friends RSD Resivour Dogs hmm MrElite i think ive seen in here <|CraSheR|> yup <|CraSheR|> you no him Cz? <|CraSheR|> MrElite fuckin rocks at doom <|CraSheR|> so does MrBlue yah I know mrelite <|CraSheR|> well MrBlue and MrElite are from Washington <|CraSheR|> MrBlue is my local I used to see em all the time on compuserve <|CraSheR|> I used to play him a lot <|CraSheR|> hehehe (cserve doom2 ladder ) <|CraSheR|> yup <|CraSheR|> that was a long time ago <|CraSheR|> I hung out there but never played doom back then <|CraSheR|> Spencer is dam good at doom <|CraSheR|> MrBlue can take MrElite though <|CraSheR|> and I used to play doom wit MrBlue a lot <|CraSheR|> but he's gonna move mh <|CraSheR|> I can hold my own with Blue <|CraSheR|> have you ever played Fraggin? <|CraSheR|> he's pretty dam good too <|CraSheR|> he's one of my locals <|CraSheR|> or used to be <|CraSheR|> used to come on here all the time *** tORn fLESh: 10 Minute LAG Update <|CraSheR|> I wonder were he went well <|CraSheR|> but anyway I played him quite a few times too i gotta do laundry and take a shower yet <|CraSheR|> actually we played a lot <|CraSheR|> l8r Bahd <|CraSheR|> I think I'm gonna hit da sack its gotta be 2am over there 2:30 that is <|CraSheR|> here? <|CraSheR|> 3:30 ahh <|CraSheR|> you might wanna come to my net party? <|CraSheR|> 7 fuckin days um, sure i might wanna... <|CraSheR|> solid doom but the logistics make it a bit impossible eh <|CraSheR|> I supply dinners <|CraSheR|> and rooms damn.. <|CraSheR|> only dinners and rooms you know id be there if the distance was um ... possible heh <|CraSheR|> I'm hoping for about 20 people <|CraSheR|> hehehe <|CraSheR|> I'm sure you would *** Joins: FreshOne (freshone@A12 <|CraSheR|> I'm glad I'm kinda getting to no ya Montreal this weekend for me *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o FreshOne Me and duke are goin up <|CraSheR|> hehehe <|CraSheR|> aaahhh Galiu and Burnout will be there,... as well as the other montreal players <|CraSheR|> you and duke close? you could say that <|CraSheR|> I no Galiu <|CraSheR|> yea, i finally got to talk to you instead of seeing you in here mmmhmmmmm <|CraSheR|> that's coo' <|CraSheR|> ??? i could sleep another hour or so i think <|CraSheR|> I no that feeling but i gotta go to werk or somehtin <|CraSheR|> I might go buy a car today and at work i have to get the bolt from hell out <|CraSheR|> I quit my job <|CraSheR|> hahaha its in the top of a fucking crossmember that is hanging outta the car by the stabilizer bar it holds a cover over the steering rack and for some reason, the fucker is hard to turn alla the way out <|CraSheR|> what do u do? work on cars <|CraSheR|> that's very cool replacing a steering rack in a 1996 mercury mystique <|CraSheR|> a chick that plays doom and works on cars <|CraSheR|> my kind of woman <|CraSheR|> heheh ; ) mystiques are fucking -junk- in case ure interested. Dont buy one no matter what. Hehe <|CraSheR|> I like older cars yeah <|CraSheR|> yea mystiques suck i have a 79 camaro, and a 69 nova (nova is for sale tho) <|CraSheR|> how much for the nova? Mystique and Ford Contour are the same car -- dont buy either <|CraSheR|> eck <|CraSheR|> Ford <|CraSheR|> eck Contour well i bought the fucker for $1000 when thats waht the cost... then i go to sell the fucker and the local market has gone to total shit, and all people will pay now is $500. it sucks. <|CraSheR|> how much for the nova? <|CraSheR|> hahaha <|CraSheR|> is it cherry? uh no its a race chassis <|CraSheR|> aahhh <|CraSheR|> what kind of condition is it in? <|CraSheR|> give me the basics on it a little to the rough side, but not horrible i gotta go do morning type shit <|CraSheR|> how many miles on the engine <|CraSheR|> hehehe <|CraSheR|> ok <|CraSheR|> I'll stop buggin you *** tORn fLESh: 10 Minute LAG Update <|CraSheR|> nice bs'in whicha though damn i wanna go back to bed <|CraSheR|> hahaha its our fucking late day, we have to work until 9pm <|CraSheR|> I think I'll play some doom and my manager is a piece ofshit well cya <|CraSheR|> haha <|CraSheR|> doom then sleep <|CraSheR|> yup sounds good <|CraSheR|> bu bye doom rules <|CraSheR|> hehehe <|CraSheR|> i have 2 puters <|CraSheR|> doom anytime i want mmhmmm <|CraSheR|> I feel like a modem game so <|CraSheR|> I gotta call my friend i guess <|CraSheR|> unless anyone want's to call me up for a game>? at 3:30am? heh <|CraSheR|> any? <|CraSheR|> that's what I thought <|CraSheR|> welp <|CraSheR|> cya l8r Bahd cya *** Joins: fRAG-M0N (JiNx@port10. *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o fRAG-M0N Session Close: Wed Jul 23 11:40:43 1997 Session Start: Thu Jul 24 03:02:57 1997 *** TF: Talking in #deathmatch *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o Bahd^QS er whoa yerac.. You play magic? Damn.. Iv'e been into magic since alpha dude ya... I bought 2 boxes the day I first placed it I started at black border I just sold my alpha moxes for almost 2500 bucks last month.. and stopped around legends !seen _duke_ -BloodyCL- _duke_!duquette@is.a. signed off 0 days, 1 hour, 0 minutes and 32 seconds ago with message [<[Messiah]> VeNoM v2.00 - "Spit or Swallow?"] -Natha|ie- _duke_!duquette@is.a.d signed off 0 days, 1 hour, 0 minutes and 34 seconds ago with message [<[Messiah]> VeNoM v2.00 - "Spit or Swallow?"] -Biznatch- _duke_!duquette@is.a.d signed off on Wed Jul 23 19:04:19 1997 with message [<[Messiah]> VeNoM v2.00 - "Spit or Swallow?"] -Goatluvr- _duke_!duquette@is.a.d signed off on Wed Jul 23 21:00:22 1997 with message [<[Messiah]> VeNoM v2.00 - "Spit or Swallow?"] haha.. shit... I sold my black border mox for 200 bucks like a year ago -LuvEwe^QS- _duke_!duquette@is. signed off 0 days, 1 hour, 0 minutes and 30 seconds ago with message [<[Messiah]> VeNoM v2.00 - "Spit or Swallow?"] a friend of mine has ever magic card out so far he is a magic freak Yerac, I stopped after legends.. I purchased a case of legends and I still have 5 unopened boxes of legends.. I love to play his blue merfolk deck.. hehe.. damn is it funny bringing out 3-4 merfolk a turn and shit *** Joins: Krusty|CG (mmm15@CU- DIALUP-0706.CIT.CORNELL.EDU) that is HUGE money man Yerac, when Microprose gets the latest update we will have to play magic on the net.. Hi KrustDude *** Quits: Krusty|CG (CGib CTF - ya.. I have the Magic video game Yerac, I know dude I am going to wait a few more months then sell.. I love that.. I actually got both MTG computer games damn.. that is fucking amazing.. Yerac and I have somthing in common more than pussy and doom2.. Fuck me.. one really sucks though we used to play Jyhad a few hours a day every day for months.. then we got tired of it =( Jyhad is a fucking incredible game.. * aliengrey is away... (( idle time! )) (since(09:23:48pm) (page r(off) I used to actually play the Vampire The Masquerade role playing game.. ya, I enjoy it more then Magic *** Joins: Blitz- (Blitz_@port6-2.cvg. no shit?!?!!? No shit man.. wow.. it is huge in my town we would have weekend games.. there were like 40 people all dressed up last time I went *** Joins: _duke_ (duquette@bos-u *** Quits: |NoaH| (Ping timeout) it was bad ass.. I usually always played malkavian.. hehhe malkavians are cool I dressed in just black, but nothing to drastic.. I like the game, but I don't get THAT into it.. some of these guys went crazy with the outfits we even had lotsa girls into it duke: I got the info on #DM Con now *** Goatluvr sets mode: +o _duke_ yeah.. some people actually had the cosmetic teeth and shit.. scarry as fuck if you ask me.. they were like LIVING the game.. Sslasher and I had a long chat last night about stuf shit...malk's sucked...i was a tremere diablerie hore <_duke_> ye:hit me smight: dude.. I know 4 guys that have had their teeth surgically altered into fangs *** Joins: Terata (jstatz@elk1-cs-8. <_duke_> er yerac: hit me * yerac slaps duke with a trout * Smight hit dat ass blah.. man.. I need another beer brb * _duke_ handss yerac a flaming bag of shit * yerac drops a flaming bag of shit at dukes door and rings the bell i was one of those queer ass vamp's that would eat any sucker in torpor i found hah torpor you torpor eater dead blood is what causes insanity as a vampire.. man did i piss ppl off You were the catfish of vampires.. but i had a cool car *** Parts: Zeus_ (Zeus@pm14-ppp2 *** Quits: yerac (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) *** Joins: theyak (theyak@daphas0 *** Joins: Czaple (Czaple@digi1-03 *** BloodyCL sets mode: +o Czaple *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o Czaple !op this sucks.. *** tORn fLESh: 10 Minute LAG Update hose set me up on the bots and when I enter my passwor d it says bite me and before that duke set me up.. Smight & Terri I have two accounts does that matter? Duke Bahdko Embrionic Pete Sickman Sseht Yerac * Bahd^QS says "huh?" Galiu Burnout Sslasher er *** Smight changed nick to SSmight eah.. yeah bahdko: sorry.. tha tis thte list for the orgy that rocks never ming that yak, no orgy dude.. !nwhois smight smight: ok you twisted my arm *** Joins: Czap|e (Czaple@digi3-05 *** BloodyCL sets mode: +o Czap|e *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o Czap|e czcrapple.. <_duke_> SSmight: yes orgy Double S might yo Mah, prosthetics havn't come in yet.. No orgy.. anyone play the hexen2 beta yet? cz, do you have it? Downloading what claims to be it. Don't know if it's real or not though cz, from where? msg me please.. heh does that sound desperate enough.. fuck.. hehehe SSmight: where's lunger? lunger is dead.. dude, you remember aeriston and haplo? just kidding.. actually lunger went back to Vietnam for several months.. then came back to work for me.. He's not on the net like he used to be... he just likes to burn cd's imn trying to get it now Scrubby, yes I do bro. they're both dead haplo is dead? i have like part downloaded, now i cant get to either site that i had for it are you shitting me? murder/suicide just kidding fucking shit.. hah You fuck.. You took my joke to the extreme.. hahaha hah.. is no shit.. Im laughing my soul off right now.. <_Nuclear_> I will be leaving for two weeks if _Nuclear_ comes in here asking for ops or he forgot his password, shitadd him for me will ya.. *** Quits: Terata (Connection reset by peer) err.. my dick, whatever the difference is.. nuclear: ok *** Quits: _Nuclear_ (Gettin' da Hell outta Here) =) *** Quits: Czaple (No route to host) yyz: hey... ya know.. xmas is a lonely time of year.. how bout you fly to montreal and spend it with all us llamas at a titty bar? hmm... titty bar they serve alcohol in canadian titty bars? or is it byob? Molsen Ice.. They server lots of Moslen Ice.. Molsen even.. muslim rice uhm.. spelling.. You whore.. You spelled it wrong.. It's Molsen Ice.. not Muslim Rice.. whatever... Mr. Matrox Millenia 4meg *** Yyz^Kurtz changed nick to YyzSinned although phoenically close you still missed the fucking boat by several docks.. scrubby, I didn't do that bitch.. my secretary did it.. :P *** Quits: Czap|e (Ping timeout) heh *** Joins: Scratchy_ (dead@slip166 lo *** Bahd^QS sets mode: +v Scratchy_ scratch n sniff *** Joins: crom7 (Crom7@pm1-ppp er yak, was afk. Llamas at a titty bar, hmm sounds enticing *** Joins: AceJas|CG (Ace-Jas@s1 *** Joins: Scratchy- (dead@slip166 doh I hope the titty to llama ratio is high *** Bahd^QS sets mode: +v Scratchy- *** Quits: Desperad0 (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) AceJas dude *** Quits: AceJas|CG (Leaving) *** Quits: SSmight (Leaving) i met acejas at qcon somewhat of a freakazoi d *** Quits: Scratchy_ (Ping timeout) *** Quits: Hamr (Connection reset by peer) *** Joins: _dewke_ (duquette@bos- *** Joins: AceJas|CG (Ace-Jas@s1 me & scary vs. Acejas and yossman last year. wewp, deathmatch at 7 in the morning acejaz hello *** Goatluvr sets mode: +o _dewke_ scary reminds me of those grampa dudes in Redneck Rampage "i'm gonna git ya" *** Joins: _spinal_ (_spinal_@uc25. ahah you missed qcon yyz *** Quits: _duke_ (Ping timeout) ahaherg thud :[ damnit hundreds of people, cool prizes, doh *** _dewke_ changed nick to _duke_ *** Quits: crom7 (Connection reset by peer) *** Joins: crom7 (Crom7@pm2-ppp *** Quits: Scratchy- (Ping timeout) well.. I gotta scoot now for a bit I am too hot I 4m 70000 13{33}7 70 {b3} H3r3 cya "Is that all?" cried the ear licking housewife as the egg-suck ing stallion tongued her jiggling bung and inserted his open sored jabber into her soft-spoken eye socket. hehhe harumph *** YyzSinned changed nick to Yyz^Away *** Quits: theyak (syntax: dukeblitz ronbobsickmanbahdkossehtsmight sslashergaliuyeracburnoutandmor) *** Joins: theyak (theyak@daphas0 *** Quits: theyak (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) *** Quits: crom7 (Ping timeout) *** Joins: JFL (jfl@mon-pq7-04.netc *** BloodyCL sets mode: +o JFL *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o JFL mark heekin... please report to the front desk fewl *** Joins: Dr-Funk (~Dr-Funk@llc-p *** Joins: crom7 (Crom7@pm5-ppp THEWORm a small nick change brizt *** Joins: Scratchy_ (dead@slip166 *** Bahd^QS sets mode: +v Scratchy_ *** Quits: Natha|ie (SPOOFING_7/2 3/97) *** Joins: Natha|ie (hosebag@Shell .Busprod.Com) *** Goatluvr sets mode: +o Natha|ie you damn choad what have you been up to *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o Scratchy _ <_duke_> whoa nothin man qw mostly hey scratchy you play qw now? thought you got isdn heh no way isdn too much here got a good isp tho 180-220 in alot of games hey blitz man long time gib is looking for experienced gibber s OMG haha deth u here? <_jj_> that was fun! server went TO SHIT <_jj_> 999 pings eveyont had 999 no, you think? yo suicide! hehe some fucked up runes <_duke_> !desc deth invites you to join clan Gib hey suicide is a cable bitch =) heh. bing doesn't realize we left sup? cable? nada then? <_jj_> bing here? how do you abort downloads of skins/sounds/etc. in qw? someof thoes runes are fucked up ;) that one is pretty cool where you guys playing? he's here and still on that server, jj ther one that maked u bounce <_jj_> vampire? skins is noskins 1 * aliengrey is away... (( idle time! )) (since(09:23:48pm) (page r(off) i think that's the protection rune, suicide yeah <_jj_> he was on server? allow_download 0 you take NO splash damage, but you bounce like a mofo i time they keep throwing grnades at me ah.. i think tkeep bounceing arounf hehe for like 2 min i dunno man... qw seems pretty jukey that vampire rune rules. that one fight we had, everytime I hit you, I got stronger. ;D <_duke_> !do privmsg deth : join our clan Deth! suicideL what do u have then..isdn? yeah quit that shit, duke! <_duke_> eehehe werm: nah....not really is better IMO moves more like doom2 u get used to it] <_duke_> Deth: but you have that awesonme clan skin! hahah nq just isnt too good 28.8 next time deth no ctf with few people on it that skin does rule <_jj_> deth, you joining a clan? i'm too used to the lab's t3 jj, fuk that. ;D not anymore heh yeah qw can have 32 players no lag...haha shit lab geeks shut u down <_jj_> i thought you liked clans? no way dude... i'm working there now really haha what a bum getting paid to play quake now yea, that's why I use Deth^NFC, jj *** Joins: Hoopty (Hoopty@206.0.6 6.12) *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o SuiCidE^ anyone get Extreme Assault US release yet? 32 players is pointless. Might as well just put them all on a map with only one respawn spot <_duke_> ceth is in clan Now im Fucking Cool *** Hoopty changed nick to Hoopty^QS <_duke_> er deth is haha i dont understand how points score very few servers allow 32 ppl or ever get near that # man i killed 2 people at once i got like 7 frags *** Scratchy_ changed nick to Scra^Away you get a bunch for killing a flag carrier <_jj_> 2=7? maybe he had flag probably did *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o Blitz- *** Quits: bing (Broken pipe) yeah was at 198 then after i was at 205 i mean it took like 15 min to get to 100 frags then 5 to get to 200 ..odd hehe... one time, our dude with the flag got disconnected but he was ghosted. So half the red team was shooting at his ghost image, which was just standing there holding the flag, and all the rockets just passed right thru him. ;D cloak rune is lameo ;) not if ya use it right. Sneak into enemy base, get way up above them, and rain grenades. ;D hehe *** scrubby changed nick to ChoadMuff hah u guys like had team work <_jj_> suicide, did southeast disconnect you last night at about 11:00? lik 3 guys would try to raid base at same timw i went to sleep at 100 ;) he left before then 1100 but yeah i couldnt get on early like at 530 <_jj_> I couldn't get on until tonight was fixed for isdn anyway at like 8:45am *** Quits: crom7 (Ping timeout) hmmm *** Joins: FrgFuhrer (~mutant@port- <_jj_> well..some of us had to be at work by then where the fuck's the cat? yeah too bad for u huh i should have been sleeping <_jj_> i'm sure you really feel for us suicide probably got eaten by the giant bengal eating carp um yeah <_jj_> HAHAHAHAHAHA <_jj_> did you tell suicide the carp story? yea heh I thought she was gonna bawl, man <_jj_> funny stuff deth would have been beaten up "carp don't eat ducks... do they!?" <_jj_> just the little ones im sure they can heh jj, don't forget to pick me up at Jerry Ulm's tomorrow. I'll call ya at 7:00ish *** Scra^Away changed nick to Scratchy_ <_jj_> ok <_jj_> bing is still on that server <_jj_> i wonder if he's figured out that we've left yet who u talking about? *** Quits: BlkStaff ( <_jj_> bing <_jj_> works with me and deth who is bing he was at the brandon lan party hehe ahh ok i remember now <_jj_> works with me and deth *** Joins: BlkStaff (bobby@ppp034. <---- trait-R-OUS *** Parts: AceJas|CG (Ace-Jas@s1 *** Joins: Crypt_Kpr (Crackhead@h ) <_jj_> i'm gonna go,deth call me at 7:00a *** Quits: _jj_ (Leaving) whoa early shut up! HEY! FUCK U ~! just who the hell do you think your talkin too! punk YOUR CHIMP BITCH ASS fairy man * Hoopty^QS is away... (( autoa way (15min) )) (since(08:06:3 8pm) (pager(off) heh you really like chimps dont you fuck yeah *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o Crypt_Kpr there soooo strong U SUCK chimp PEEPEE i see *** SuiCidE^ was kick'd by Crypt_Kpr (<syn> whos your daddy?) *** Joins: SuiCidE^ (CraCkpiPe@ta *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o SuiCidE^ * Hoopty^QS is back... (( Back. )) !whois *!crackpipe@ * *** Crypt_Kpr was kick'd by SuiCidE^ (not u bitch!) *** Joins: Crypt_Kpr (Crackhead@h ) !whois *!crack*@* hehe *** Quits: Dr-Funk (EOF From client) hahah ;) one of the chimps is i guess :) yo mama is a chimp guess thats where all the hair on my back came from *** Joins: fUnKyMoNk (Pfunk@60.n * _duke_ is away... (( autoaway (10min) )) (since(11:16:45pm ) (pager(off) *** Bahd^QS sets mode: +v fUnKyMoNk * _spinal_ is away: • gone to get sugar for a sugar rush brb • Leet night with David Letterman *** Yyz^Away changed nick to YyzSinned layts *** Quits: YyzSinned (Michael Jackson's wife asked to rear their child. Said Michael, "That's my job") *** Quits: leprechan (Ping timeout) *** Joins: Woood (Enhanched@207 .30.204.26) *** Parts: Woood (Enhanched@207. 30.204.26) *** Quits: FrgFuhrer (Broken pipe) * _spinal_ has returned: ··-·°•--•°·-·· *** Joins: HVC|Masta (ogre@ppp-5 *** Parts: HVC|Masta (ogre@ppp-5 *** Quits: SuiCidE^ (Ping timeout) *** Quits: Scratchy_ (Ping timeout) *** Joins: Scratchy_ (dead@slip166 *** Bahd^QS sets mode: +v Scratchy_ * Hoopty^QS is away... (( autoa way (15min) )) (since(08:23:5 4pm) (pager(off) * aliengrey is away... (( idle time! )) (since(09:23:48pm) (page r(off) *** Quits: Blitz- (Ping timeout) *** Joins: EmBrioniC (hmm@Clark.a hey bitches emb! fight fight fight * Hoopty^QS is back... (( Back. )) i know your not talking to me y0 h00p 3mb dawg anyone have a zip drive? if so.. please zip up the zip disk.. and zip it on over to muh punk ass please the install i mean =) grrr... mine's at work <_duke_> STO WAKE YOUR ASS UP *** Joins: ANSi5 (Alphatron@d-ma-t k00 i fucked mine up at dmcon *** Quits: Sto (Laterz) EmBrioniC: too much pr0n eh? *** Quits: Crypt_Kpr (syntax: MEAT!!!!! good.) i wish =) EmBrioniC: didn't you bring one to quakecon? yeah i just grabbed it at the server instead =) *** Quits: Hoopty^QS (Ping timeout) *** Quits: ANSi5 (brb) *** Joins: Hamr (hamr@dt010n17.ta *** Joins: ANSi5^QS (Alphatron@d- *** Joins: ANSi5 (Alphatron@d-ma-t *** Quits: ANSi5 (Leaving) *** Joins: _XeNoS (~agate@208.20 4.44.75) <_XeNoS> hello <_spinal_> hey xeno yo HamrMeister heh. there were lotsa low pingers on that server you bastards! <_XeNoS> hey spinal old man <_spinal_> old man? hehe <_XeNoS> hehehe Deth: sure, come along and take my sure win * Deth grins xenos, really sorry about that the other night I was the man till u showed up * _XeNoS shudders heh. sorry. I like that map too much to pass up <_XeNoS> funky: what do you mean? haha *** Joins: LGD_rj ( that map has two kind of players: Those that can get past those two sliding floor panels above the lava, and those that can't heh <_XeNoS> deth: what map are you talking about? dm2 u dont remember, then nevermind <_XeNoS> ah Deth: I cant ;( That was slowing me way down <_XeNoS> funky: i remember, i just want to know what you are apologizing for ;> heh <_spinal_> well since we're all apologizing sorry about what I said about you the other night funk <_spinal_> Oh wait you weren't there never mind *** Joins: Hoopty (Hoopty@206.0.6 6.12) <_spinal_> ;P *** Goatluvr sets mode: +o LGD_rj im sorry too hamr, there are actually two sections there where there's ALWAYS a panel, so if ya jump to one of those, you'll make it I still can't get my modem to pick up whaterver it is :) *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o LGD_rj very funny <_XeNoS> everyone accept my apologies then <_duke_> ok well <_duke_> im NOT sorry * _XeNoS is thinking real hard Deth: I die every time i try that route <_XeNoS> thenagain, maybe not... *** Quits: _spinal_ (off doomin) *** Quits: ANSi5^QS (do0m!) hamr, take a look at it in solo play. You'll see those two areas where lava never shows thru. Pretty soon you'll be able to jump to them w/o thinking about it. !op *** Biznatch sets mode: +o Hoopty *** Goatluvr sets mode: +o Hoopty *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o Hoopty *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o Hoopty Deth: i know what u mean, just never noticed that before <_XeNoS> how can you guys still play Quake is beyond me though <_XeNoS> don't you think the players look kinda ugly? hehe * Scratchy_ is not physically attracted to quake players <_XeNoS> oh well, only the true beauty appreciators still play Doom2... people with good taste * Hoopty licks scratchy_'s ear <_XeNoS> scratchy: you look ugly when you play Quake too *** Quits: EmBrioniC (Connection reset by peer) * Scratchy_ kicks Hoopty in the twat * Scratchy_ doesn't play quake...bu t still manages to look ugly anyways =) * Hoopty gently touches scratchy_' s nacho bell grande of love <_XeNoS> haha eek * Scratchy_ bites Hoopty's ear and knees him in the kidney <_XeNoS> scratchy: ever tried one of them skin-soothing lotions or something? <_XeNoS> might straighten you right out * Hoopty gently squeezes scratchy _'s love stump cough cough <_XeNoS> try robitussin too ;> aiiee *** ChoadMuff changed nick to muFFdiver #deathmatch...your source for overwhelming homosexuality *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o Scratchy _ *** Joins: Galiu (~galiu@pm12-s26. * Hoopty has un-lubed rough anal sex with scratchy_ *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o Galiu *** Joins: SuiCidE^ (CraCkpiPe@ta *** FreshOne changes topic to " #deathmatch...your source for overwhelming homosexu ality" *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o Galiu *** Scratchy_ changes topic to " Yeah that's right, I stole E.T.'s anal virginity with my Nacho Grande" aww :( *** Scratchy_ changes topic to " #deathmatch...your source for overwhelming homosexu ality" =) hey xenos <_XeNoS> hey galiu what's up in snowy Montreal? ain't snowy now :) <_XeNoS> you villagers need snow however to grow your food hehehe *** Joins: Spam[DI] (bobs@port174 hey oh yah...I saw the Ultima bud is beta-tes ting for sucks dong <_XeNoS> too bad it is not snowy, i'd come right over, i am melting here hey spam * _XeNoS wipes his forehead with the back of his mouse hehehe *** Quits: SuiCidE^ (Ping timeout) <_XeNoS> damn my mouse is all slippery now * Hoopty is away... (( dinner )) (since(09:00:28pm) (pager( off) *** Joins: Krusty|CG (mmm15@CU- DIALUP-0706.CIT.CORNELL.EDU) *** Joins: sickman (sickman@206.1 00.53.226) *** Joins: Vap (fraghouse@169-146 * _XeNoS happens to be drinking his coffee, so he pours some over the mouse to clean it up hey krusty *** Quits: _duke_ (Ping timeout) hi scratchy what's up <_XeNoS> my mouse is so hot and moist lemme send you something <== shitty mood doesn't wanna talk about it you can send yer song now *** Joins: SmIghT (Hberkley@tcnet doh *** Joins: SuiCidE^ (CraCkpiPe@ta *** Joins: _duke_ (duquette@bos-u *** JFL changed nick to all <_XeNoS> we can call him All at first I thouight he said, "we can kill them all" *** Goatluvr sets mode: +o _duke_ I thought so too that pretty much sums up my attitude *** all changed nick to JFL *** Joins: theyak (theyak@daphas0 *** Quits: Vap (See ya!) hey yerac hey GALIU kicked my ass did you? Youuuu eh? * aliengrey is away... (( idle time! )) (since(09:23:48pm) (page r(off) hehe *** Quits: _XeNoS (Leaving) whut ya talkin bout? have we met? *** Quits: SuiCidE^ (37 hours up....time for some sleep) *** fUnKyMoNk changed nick to MonkofFun *** MonkofFun changed nick to fUnKyMoNk *** Quits: SmIghT (Leaving) *** Joins: Crypt_Kpr (Crackhead@h ) *** Quits: theyak (syntax: sleep) *** Quits: _duke_ (ding a ding dang my dang a long ling long) *** Joins: sseht (sseht@max06-11.q Session Close: Thu Jul 24 05:17:33 1997 Session Start: Fri Jul 25 00:20:37 1997 *** TF: Talking in #deathmatch *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o Bahd^QS *** Quits: Smight (Broken pipe) OF idlers, man. There's no "if" to idling in here. of i meant hehe no way... I'm not an idler It's just... I wait for the idlers to talk so long that I sort of become one :P *** Joins: Krusty|CG (mmm15@CU- DIALUP-1325.CIT.CORNELL.EDU) heheh Well, quiet though #deathmatch may be at times, we can't compete with the pros who frequent #idle heheheh the breakfast of champions, the channel of idlers speaking of which *** YyzSinned changed nick to Yyz^Away *** Quits: _jj_ (Leaving) * Krusty|CG is away.. [ mad shower skeels ] *** Quits: Terata (Connection reset by peer) *** Yyz^Away changed nick to eric^Idle *** Joins: Crypt_Kpr (Crackhead@h ost-207-53-123-152.mia.bellsouth.n et) fuck quake2 has alot of weapons how many? 12 or 13 that games gonna take awhile to master yeah right, holy shit hopefully they're good weapon *** Quits: JFL (Be back later) weapons that is well go to scarys page and see URL? they look nice bah news.shtml * Krusty|CG is away....Since 19:26:02 [ mad shower skeels ] i want the q2test damnit Hexen2 site: 208.206.1 46.2, anonymous login, usr/spnba d is the directory i hear that beta is only 2 levels no idea i just wanna see it, i am hoping its nice ill wait *** Joins: _jj_ (jrj@tampa1-063.sout * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•doing things•°·-·· Since:•19:44:02•··Rec:• ON•··Pager:•OFF•·· * Bahd^QS has returned... get off my plane! GET OFF! *** Joins: fUnKyMoNk (Pfunk@216.n *** Bahd^QS sets mode: +v fUnKyMoNk *** Joins: Terata (jstatz@elk2-cs-2. * fUnKyMoNk is away right now ( demos ) *** Joins: _Hamr (hamr@dt010n17.t * Krusty|CG is away....Since 19:26:02 [ mad shower skeels ] *** Joins: mOOP|e ( hehehe Air Force One... that looks good *** Quits: MrElite (Broken pipe) uh huh.... Quake2's lookin sweet I must say *** Joins: Deth (deth@user-2k7i6l0. honey, I'm home *** Quits: mOOP|e (Broken pipe) what up deth not much. apartment shopping. *** Joins: Tracey- (usberg@bin-ny2 * Krusty|CG is away.. [ Eating... if you're looking for Krusty look for CamelJ|CG, Overk|CG, oozie|CG, Klinger, or Snake|CG in #dcdoom, they should be able to help you..... . ] *** Parts: Krusty|CG (mmm15@CU- DIALUP-1325.CIT.CORNELL.EDU) DETH i found a page filled with tampa quakers i mean ALOT well alot compared to what we know of so far *** Parts: Tracey- (usberg@bin-ny2 ya? cool! url? they don't sell apartmen ts at family dollar do they? Guess I won't be moving anytime soon theres gonna be a lan at USF....10 days before i get ther.e heh. heh *** Joins: f1 ( man, I checked out an awesome apartment today. *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o f1 best one I've seen so far. and it costs 1000 a month heh and... time warner says that If I move in that apartment, they'll be able to install a cable modem for me. ;D 625 a month. Kinda high for the size of it, but it rules * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•doin stuffs•°·-·· Since:•20:02:45•··Rec:•O N•··Pager:•OFF•·· then youll be an lpb and ill have to kill you hehe im getting the url *** Quits: FreshOne (Ping timeout: 360 seconds) odd the best feature of this apt complex is FREE HOME BAKED COOKIES EVERY MORNING!! hey I found a page of Tampa mormons, anybody want it? i dont see the player list hmm q/ there ys go deth thankee mormons....heh...they are WILD party animals any of them attractive females? er... * Deth coughs <_jj_> deth you go look at that apt.? haha. I just pasted it to mirc, thinking It'd load the page follow me, just a little bit farther, not far now, just a bit more, come along, hurry now, just a bit farther, this way... What, you don't want to follow? Well, fuck you then! jj, it fucking ruled! and it did have oak cabinets <_jj_> cool! the girl turned the tv to channel 65 or some shit... and it showed the entry gate. ;D *** Quits: Terata (EOF From client) <_jj_> any duck eating carp there? 66 was the rec area haha. no duck eating carp * eric^Idle has an oak cabinet, but it's only for the ladies on that note *** Quits: eric^Idle (Forget it! she told me, satisfying her deep female need to say no to something ) deth you see all those players? nioxon made a kickass RL practice map oh. hehe. forgot I was loading that in the background *** Joins: theyak (theyak@daphas0 hahah. internet junction <_jj_> hey deth are you gonna send me that map or what? * Deth eyes bahd warily heeh *** Quits: leprechan (the dreams in which i'm dying are the best i've ever had) * Deth is deth@user-2k7i6l0.dialup. * Yes, that's right. I have the nick now... * Deth on #deathmatch * Deth using [] Mindspring Enterprises IRC Serve * End of /WHOIS list. * Bahd^QS has returned... *** tORn fLESh: Total of (1) messages/pages while you were away. Hit •Shift-F5• to view them. bahdko: tell duke to log on <_jj_> new version out already? yea... join this server and you'll d/l it: * theyak rapes deth yak: dukes on his way home deth not amazed at all the players? heh you STNK jdlkjdlje i cant FTP right now im downlloading hexen2 bahdko: ok good, i have a need to talk to him hmm ok im looking forward to the christmas gettogether crypt: have you tried the madm server yet? theyak no ma'am bahdko: that' what I got to tlak to him about crypt: check it out and get validated biatch thought it didnt go up till midnight ah ok..... crypt: the board is up.. the 800 number is not till midnight well il register at midnight then bitch I was checking it out..getti ng my init working and stuff like that well hes kinda blah about it being christmas weekend, but to me it seems a real good time. err bahdko: think we should change it to the weekend after? that would be wise yak. make it the 2nd, 3rd 4th of January? crypt: shut up.. yer not even going bitch ;p * theyak slaps Crypt_Kpr with a TCL powered Trout heh montreal far. cold. *** f1 changed nick to FreshOne doesent matter to me.. christmas works for me, Duke seems to like new years alot better tho i can do either crypt: ya.. but I will be in Hawaii for xmas =) so it will be a nice change bahdko: well.. do we want it on a weekend.. or do we want it in the middle of the week? either way works for me.. I would prefer the 29,30,31, 1st weekend definately much easier at this time that is hehe that's what I thought.. new years is in the middle of the week daoh on a bloody wednesday well Duke likes new years alot better i do know that.. many jobs penalize you for taking days off around a holiday well.. I will talk to duke about it I still gotta find out when I get back from Hawaii hmm hawaii * Bahd^QS wants to go to hawaii too! hehe big change from canada, no doubt well... I get to go there for free =) so I a not complaining aww! thats a nice thing i can never get quakecast to work doh.. my cat kicked the mouse off the table KILL IT * theyak rapes sseht sseht: damn man, you gonna take that? *** Joins: Galiu ( galiu! *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o Galiu i think sseht is willing heya galiu *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o Galiu comment ca va ma petit putain? *** Joins: Hoopty (Hoopty@206.0.6 6.12) heheheh it was so enjoyable sseht is speachless hey yerac ansi, what? galiu: they switched around the bloody tournement matches nuthin, just said hello yerac: elaborate galiu: did you hear that lame shit? he wants to have people local to each other play each other first.. so we are playing each other in the first round now.. I just got the email hahah daoh heh... heeh poppycock *** tORn fLESh: 10 Minute LAG Update do they decide who is green eh? no green only brown and red oh yeah thast right crypt, bunch of players there, eh? *** BloodyCL sets mode: +o theyak yes deth we know two of them. *** theyak changes topic to " popmesomecock" and i bet almost al of them suck hehe haha..I all ready played one of the guys in the tournement BaRaKa * Bahd^QS is away: ··-·°•doin stuff•°·-·· Since:•20:24:38•··Rec:•ON •··Pager:•OFF•·· *** tORn fLESh: Forwarding All Messages to Answering Machine... who the fuck is Baraka? someone I beat up on REAL bad what was the score? he HAD to suck if you beat him :P 50-49 heh hahahah dumb ass keyboarder.. that will teach him yeah right, he's a keyboarder!!! and they let him into a tourny? ya I couldn't tell he was a keyboarder though.. I was too busy swimming through lag to notice damn yerac, we are supposed to be local? just 2000miles awat away fuck... that means I'll be playing Virt probably right away afk galiu: hahahah I was kidding dude sorryu hehe oh shit heheh I still gotta play Sir Fag er.. HuggyBear er.. SirFrag Sir fag? heheheh who ARE these people!! I never see 'em in here *** Quits: Crypt_Kpr (syntax: MEAT!!!!! good.) hey yak, what software do we need to call up his BBS and play doom? * theyak is away... (( gone )) (since(07:28:59pm) (pager( off) oh that was polite :P does anyone know? *** Joins: _duke_ (duquette@bos-u *** Joins: Tracey- (usberg@bin-ny2 sirdoom where can I get that? dunno, do a netsearch coo *** BloodyCL sets mode: +o _duke_ *** Quits: fUnKyMoNk (AHHH, I pushed the red button!) *** Joins: Strag (afox@cmh1-p124.n *** tORn fLESh: 10 Minute LAG Update * Bahd^QS is away: doin stuff (Since:•20:24:38•-Rec:•ON•-Pager:• OFF•) re all hamr: do you think it would be okay to put my map up on your server again? hamr: later tonight maybe? * Strag would like to playtest his changes *** tORn fLESh: •DCC CHAT• Request from: _duke_ (duquette@b what's a good non-lagged IRC server I could switch to? back I think I'm lagged all to hell <_Hamr> Strag: sure I have sirdoom version 3.6 Hamr: awesome - being able to playtest on an actual server makes all the difference in the world Hamr: thanks <_Hamr> Strag: send that to me email I guess would any of you guys want to playtest tonight? * Strag looks around sheepishly * theyak looks around for sheep Session Close: Fri Jul 25 01:41:00 1997 Session Start: Fri Jul 25 01:41:51 1997 *** TF: Talking in #deathmatch *** sets mode: +snt *** Joins: _duke_ (duquette@bos-u *** Joins: PVP9 (pvp@kin3.amesla *** Joins: _OuTCaSt_ (gmori@brite *** Joins: Strag (afox@cmh1-p124.n *** Joins: Hoopty (Hoopty@206.0.6 6.12) *** Joins: Galiu ( *** Joins: theyak (theyak@daphas0 *** Joins: FreshOne (freshone@A12 *** sets mode: +oooo _duke_ Galiu theyak FreshOne *** Joins: Deth (deth@user-2k7i6l0. *** Joins: _Hamr (hamr@dt010n17.t *** Joins: ANSi5 (Alphatr0N@d-ma- *** Joins: sseht (sseht@max01-22.q *** Joins: LuvEwe^QS (~goat@lafc *** Joins: BloodyCL (~bloodycl@si *** Joins: Gripp (ruetem@farber250. *** Joins: Biznatch (claver@core.xe *** sets mode: +oooo LuvEwe^QS BloodyCL Gripp Biznatch *** Joins: THEWORm (verminata@ *** Joins: Khaz_ (~khaz@endor.hsu *** Joins: Natha|ie (hosebag@Shell .Busprod.Com) *** sets mode: +o Natha|ie *** Joins: weird0 (000@ip146.louisv *** Quits: Galiu (Pong timeout) Hi *** Quits: weird0 (Connection reset by peer) * Hoopty is away... (( autoaway (15min) )) (since(05:40:31pm ) (pager(off) strag, you ought to up the map to your web server so that you don't have to dcc it to us -- and that'd be faster for downloadi ng than quakeftp. ;D *** Quits: Strag (Connection reset by peer) i'm outta here *** Joins: Strag (afox@cmh1-p124.n *** Quits: ANSi5 (bbl!) * theyak is back... (( what lovely company they were )) *** Joins: EmBrioniC (hmm@1Cust1 heya emb *** _Hamr changed nick to Hamr hey sseht hehe when do u start class? I suspect it worked, hamr *** Joins: Zeus_ (Zeus@d82.dial-2. *** BloodyCL sets mode: +b *!*@* *** Zeus_ was kick'd by BloodyCL (Shitted: Keep Fucking With Us And See What Happens - 06/19/97 by Bahd!creeper@co) emb: after mid-august <_duke_> embybitch why was zeus banned? and who is zeus? <_duke_> takeover isp? <_duke_> i know its a biggie around here not sure *** Joins: Sto (rbishop@port6.butte *** Quits: theyak (syntax: BE BACK LATER.. and what's that oil on my nutz?) h0 ho's if you guys can, please join hamr's server later http://www.cis.ohio-state.e du/~vannatta/quake.html (grab the level here) h0 h0 h0 duke: sup? anyone have lightwav e? i have lightwave *** Parts: Hamr (hamr@dt010n17.ta *** Joins: Hamr (hamr@dt010n17.ta *** Joins: Vap (fraghouse@172-180 * _duke_ is away... (( autoaway (10min) )) (since(09:07:23pm ) (pager(off) http://www.cis.ohio-state.e du/~vannatta/quake.html (grab the level there - the server IP is also posted) <_duke_> !exadd *!*zeus@* *** _duke_ sets mode: -b *!*@*ultra. net *** Quits: PVP9 (Connection reset by peer) <_duke_> natha|ie !exadd *!*zeus@ * <_duke_> luvewe^qs !exadd *!*zeus@* <_duke_> !exwrite *** Joins: Zeus_ (Zeus@d82.dial-2. thanks duke <_duke_> np <_duke_> !info *** Quits: BloodyCL (Received SIGSEGV - core dumped) <_duke_> whoa shit duke: would you mind putting my level playtest in the topic? duke: I'd like to get as many ppl as possible on it.... <_duke_> !giveop strag <_duke_> !is that a hint? <_duke_> !nwhois strag <_duke_> !nuseradd strag 100 <_duke_> !nprotadd strag 50 <_duke_> !userwrite <_duke_> !protwrite <_duke_> Strag: whats the server address? <_duke_> remind me to add you on bloody if it restarts 27500 http://www.cis.ohio-state.ed u/~vannatta/quake.html *** _duke_ changes topic to "test strags new map - 27500" hehe duke: just point ppl to If anyone is interested in playtestin g a new QW level later tonight, please go to this page: http://ww uake.html oops *** Quits: LuvEwe^QS (Received SIGSEGV - core dumped) fuck <_duke_> Strag: ok dude duke: just point people to this page: http://www.cis.ohio-st <_duke_> no shit eh? that's not good, duke that's it *** _duke_ changes topic to "people: http://www.cis.ohio-state. edu/~vannatta/quake.html - free pr0n" haha that'll get em *** _duke_ changes topic to "people: http://www.cis.ohio-state. edu/~vannatta/quake.html - free Deth pr0n" w00p! *** Parts: Zeus_ (Zeus@d82.dial-2. duke: point them to my page instead (they have to get the map first, and ppl hate slow QW downloads :) <_duke_> Strag: i just added yopu <_duke_> so feel free to topic all day :D *** Joins: sickman (sickman@jupite duke: thanks man !op *** sickman was kick'd by Biznatch (Send your questions to ``ASK ZIPPY'', Box 40474, San Francisco, CA 94140, USA) *** Joins: sickman (sickman@jupite *** Natha|ie sets mode: +b *!*sickm an@* *** sickman was kick'd by Natha|ie (Op begging bastard! [5 minute BK]) hehehe <_duke_> whoops *** _duke_ sets mode: -b *!*sickma n@* *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o Deth *** Biznatch sets mode: +o Deth * Hoopty is away... (( autoaway (15min) )) (since(05:40:31pm ) (pager(off) *** Joins: sickman (sickman@jupite <_duke_> sickman: whats the password??? huh? oh <_duke_> !nuseradd sickman 150 * Deth eyes sickman warily passwdadd me too he hasn't humped my leg yet... he's an IMPOSTERNATOR!! hah you know i hump only goats legs well their asses <_duke_> !nprotadd sickman 150 baaaah not thier legs <_duke_> !userwrite hahah <_duke_> !protwrite * sickman fucks deth i the goats ass <_duke_> !nwhois sickman all this humping going on.. hahha * Deth wonders why sickman just jumped Vap. Perhaps sickman needs new glasses. aint no one humping around * EmBrioniC is doing the humpty hump haha 22-25hz.. what were they thinking * Hoopty is back... (( Back. )) hi *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o Strag *** Hoopty changed nick to Powdr hey hello *** Joins: owly (beesknees@slip12 pink floydd rules *** Parts: owly (beesknees@slip12 * Powdr THinks Pink Floydd RUles *** Joins: painkill (vbdata@207.115. 230.221) hello greetings and salutations *** Joins: owly (beesknees@slip12 is there a "Get Quakeworld Now!" button anywhere? on I believe I need one for my web page *** Quits: _OuTCaSt_ (syntax: later) anyone collect roms? ;) bbl *** Quits: sickman (BuRRiTo97 for mIRC) *** Biznatch sets mode: +o Sto *** Joins: stell (stello@ip-43-100.tus pain: thanks what a day i need me some crack hi all !op *** Biznatch sets mode: +o Powdr hoops... powder? ya hoopty is right here im a newcomer to this well then, let me welcome you properly fuck you powdr =] heheh i hope it's not your dad heh or sumpin haha like pink floydd? seriously, welcom powdr... thanks :D hoopty told me to go to the eat my balls homepage whats that? good idea tello/tyson *** Joins: LuvEwe^QS (~goat@lafc *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o LuvEwe^QS hoops / powdr are you guys tyring to load the ballz page? mine is slooooowwwww *** Joins: bing (sublime@207.115.2 20.40) *** Joins: crom7 (Crom7@pm5-ppp echo *** Quits: Powdr (Ping timeout) *** Quits: Vap (Read error: 232 (Connection reset by peer)) \p *** Parts: painkill (vbdata@207.115. 230.221) *** Joins: SarTorI (sartori@user-2k *** Quits: Hamr (EOF From client) *** Joins: Bond (Bond@172-146-188 man I hope Hamr puts his server up *** Quits: Strag (Connection reset by peer) *** Joins: Hamr (hamr@dt010n17.ta *** Joins: Hoopty (Hoopty@206.0.6 6.12) stell that was a funny page man *** Joins: Strag (afox@cmh1-p124.n *** Joins: Crypt_Kpr (Crackhead@h ost-207-53-123-186.mia.bellsouth.n et) 27500 Strag's newest level *** Hoopty changed nick to powdr !op *** Biznatch sets mode: +o powdr Hamr: thanks man *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o powdr yo hamr no prob yo ;hehe, thanks posdr er, powdr Hamr: can you bump up max_players to 26? heh that was funny no guarantee on the speed on th speed but i did it have you heard the one about the earios heheh <_duke_> Strag: your place crashed netscape i seen the eerios picture duke: what? never done it to me before..... 165 0 27500 Paul_Bunyans_Ultra1 vici_b1 0 of 28 170 0 27500 Tampa_QW vici_b2 0 of 26 hehe beta 1 and 2 shit where's he at (Bunyan)? dunno he was on there the other night when i had it running *** Quits: Bond (Read error: 232 (Connection reset by peer)) -Sto- %p CTCP ¤PING¤ FLOOD from you detected... AutoIgnored for 300 seconds llama.. ChRoniC hahah you triggered my SpamPIN G *** Quits: _duke_ (Ping timeout) *** Quits: stell (Resistance is futile... you will be assimilated into the cheese collective...) heh that was like 1 ping foolio *** Joins: Dr-Funk (~Dr-Funk@llc-p I have seen these EGG EXTENDERS in my Supermarket ... I have read the INSTRUCTION S ... *** Joins: _duke_ (duquette@bos-u <_duke_> unreal MY MOMMAH MAKES THE VELVETTA NAD CUBES WITH BAKKIN AND CHEEZWHIZ AND MAIRIHNADES ON PARADE Z WITH HER OWN CLITSAQATT AQ JUICES *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o _duke_ *** Joins: Vap (fraghouse@169-183 <_duke_> Strag: your page crashed win95 *** powdr changed nick to Hoopty duke: no way man duke: it's too simple to crash anything! *** Quits: Vap ( <_duke_> netscape locked <_duke_> and that ttook out win95 <_duke_> http://www.cis.ohio-state. edu/~vannatta/quake.html - <_duke_> avatar is pimping for you in #trinity *** Quits: THEWORm (Blessed is the goat who has no shepard) *** Quits: Hamr (EOF From client) *** Joins: Vap (fraghouse@169-183 hot damn. glhexen2 is gorgeous *** Quits: crom7 (Ping timeout) * Bahd^QS has returned... *** Joins: Smight (Hberkley@tcnet0 <_duke_> Smight: LOVE ME I do brutha.. SMIGHT duke let's play doom2 hoopty.. Sto.. Bahd.. All of my other irc brutha's and sistas <_duke_> Smight: hmmmm smight Duke, just do it man.. Nike.. it works.. Sto.. <_duke_> lemme get some dinner <_duke_> DONT go away duke, Im here dude.. dinner is for wimps *** Joins: FrgFuhrer (mutant@port-3 =) anyone know if there is a #deathmatch page? * Bahd^QS is a dinner-eatin wimp i dont think there is one there used tobe.. but it's gone.. <_duke_> Smight: unless you want to help test strags map and i think there should be one Duke, I was sorta wanting some map 1 fun.. Duke, you should know me.. isnt the phook page technically the deathmatch page? <_duke_> Smight: ok gimme 15 mins to make some noodles if I was on death row and I had a last request it would be map 1 doom2 Bahd, it is.. but I don't think he keeps it up like he used to.. i can imagine.,. *** tORn fLESh: XDaemon is in the AutoVoice List. Giving Voice Status on #doom2... i liked the old op profiles man Bahd^QS: whats that url? Bahd, your buddy tapped my ass last night.. *** Quits: Strag ( *** Joins: Strag (afox@cmh1-p124.n smight: whos that? not Kream eh? *** tORn fLESh: 10 Minute LAG Update Truechamp? TruechamP? who is truechamp? Smight you gotta know champ back from AOL i thnk Xenos *** Quits: Crypt_Kpr (Broken pipe) Xenos um he beat you>? Yeah... he did.. Gripp: you coming back in later? And yes I know truecham p.. *** Joins: Blitz- ( um, cheating is fucking wonderful isnt it truechamp was an aol doomer.. QW server up at : 27500 guys - join in! Get the level at the URL in the topic wudup blitz Bahd, I dunno.. He played a pretty damn good game.. blitz: is there anywhere in Columbus Ohio that has cable modems yet? oh btw .. hi =) He was green.. since I was calling, and he won 100 to 79 emb...not that i know of ahh. btw, I got Hexen2 beta.. it's bad ass.. why u movin there? gimme the site vap I didn't get it from a site.. I got it from a friend [Smight] you tried glhexen2 or regular? *** Quits: Dr-Funk (EOF From client) He was green.. since I was calling, and he won 100 to 79 Blitz: to work inhouse.. and put finishing touches on our commericial tc gl is beautiful Gl is cool as fuck.. vap I didn't get it from a site.. no shit.. emb: u there now? is the shit. Blitz: aug 12 I just with they had more weapons.. gl is ok 1 player.. sucks in dm i know...when is that beta from? it looks like they have a shitload of work still to do.. Emb, I would think most hard core deathmatchers would rule you correct on that one.. emb: cool i go there alot of weekends to work yes! 8 players Smight: sure he plays a good game.. but he was playing against a bright blue player with modified sounds, all bright rooms, no red flash when he is hit...etc.. i hope so.. id hate to think im a newbie =) blitz: many lan parties around there? *** Quits: Blitz- (Connection reset by peer) glquake is hella jerky on my computer for some reason =( <_duke_> Blitz-: montreal will be the weekend after new years YPOD rawks btw his plasma and chaingun dont block other sounds. <_duke_> not the 26th Bahd.. that might explain it then.. who? truechamp? he sure does talk shit though.. hes shitlisted in #doom2 because of all of his cheats and the -----*DISTRIBUTIO N*----- of them to fucking newbies. we was giving me some lessons on not being so aggressi ve after the match.. hah there's a doom2? hahaha wtf hehe I was like.. you play your game and I will play my game.. i used to play truechamp all the time Frg, we are talking about Xenos ah nevermind :) who the hell is xenos a shithead *** Parts: FrgFuhrer (mutant@port-3 I make this statement: The TC we are about to release will bring back some doom2 memories.. strafe running.. real deathmatch excitement.. increase d sv_maxspeed heh btw.. does anyone know how much faster the strafe run was.. compared to reg run? I had fun though.. if that makes you feel better Bahd.. and I recorded.. [EmBrioniC] 1/3 faster? emb: yes let me look it up thanks guys i have the exact percentage in *** Quits: Deth (Leaving) im trying to get this right lemme get it embv k00 bahd thanks also.. isnt quake 5/7 the speed of doom2? so if quake is sv speed of 320. doom2 must have been 448 EMB it is 28% and the degree that straferunning is is 38 degreees not 45 thanks bahd that's another reason why hexen2 rocks..they sped the run up to doom2 speed it seems *** tORn fLESh: 10 Minute LAG Update *** Quits: bing (Leaving) *** Joins: JFL (jfl@mon-pq7-36.netc Bahd.. that file rawks *** Joins: YyzSinned (dpupello@br *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o JFL *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o JFL emb which one? *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o YyzSinned Duke.. <_duke_> smight? * Hoopty is away... (( autoaway (15min) )) (since(07:35:28pm ) (pager(off) Smight? how are your noodles?? Duke? smight <_duke_> got the ramen made now lemme choke em down <_duke_> cajun chicken flavor Nahd? Bahd? Sto? <_duke_> bahd Mommy? -> -EmBrioniC- which file do you mean? <_duke_> sto? duke blah blah bahd? Bahd? <_duke_> Deth? Penis? duke? heh Where is my penis at! holy fuck I lost my penis again.. brb <_duke_> emb? y0 smight goes to look for his pee pee barney? I found it.. Damnit that thing was under the bed again with the Hulsters * JFL is * Jean-François Lespérance * JFL on @#doom2 @#doomroom @#deathmatch * JFL using [] (1) NETCOM Online Communications Se * End of /WHOIS list. bbiab shocked silence *** Joins: crom7 (Crom7@pm7-ppp fart there.. Crom Hi *** Joins: LGD_rj ( * Bahd^QS sees that Smight farted * Bahd^QS blows one off, jsut to feel like she fits in concurrent tangents.. *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o LGD_rj Woop.. heh browning generator.. dem browning generators are stanky.. This is dangerous..I walk through mind fields and watch your head rock.. *** Joins: Virt (archvile@d-ma-taunt * JFL is away: FTPing -- Pager: !JFL * JFL is away: Since: 22:43:15 -- Pager: !JFL -JFL- JFL is away: FTPing -- Since: 22:43:15 -- Pager: !JFL Pentium pro's suck just kidding.. -JFL- JFL is away: FTPing -- Since: 22:43:15 -- Pager: !JFL heh I picked up an extra machine today.. just to have around the place.. and network n shit.. I wonder why pentium pro's have old FX chipsets though.. who was that person botherin bahd? what type? pro i gather PPro 150.. ive got it clocked at 175.. seems to run stable.. ahh but it's like nothing compared to my personal system.. I mean an is far as speed etc.. i have my pro 200 o/c to 233 i'm gonna clock it back down though you had problems with it? no why clock it down then? i'm putting it my office at work and i acnt offord to have any problems with it err cant afford I see.. better safe than sorry right you sold it to your company.. forgot bout dat.. i might try o/c ing my new comp how do you raise the clocks speed? er, clock speed? i have heard alot of people are doing it you just wind the clock up tighter virt.. :p Sto, I can clock my current system to 300 .. and I actually might do it soon.. crist how do you do it? * owly loves his p133 * EmBrioniC is holding out till mid 98' he's happy at 205 virt ched your motherboard manual err check smight you tried overclocking your new comp? ahh i might do it right off the bat :) 98 is the year to buy what with the new o/s and the next wave of pII's and usb agp 100 buses.. fun stuff ahead *** Quits: Smight (Leaving) *** Quits: _duke_ (syntax: i'm rooled) hmm. i wonder what i did w/ taht manual.hehe bbiab 1 hour heh i'll just buy a new one then :) heh virt 133s dont overclock very well smight o/c that bitch so i cant know if it is safe to do or not :) i got a 100 :) ahh *** Sto changes topic to "59 minutes till emb comes back!!!!!!!!!!!! " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! smight? lol -JFL- JFL is away: FTPing -- Since: 22:43:15 -- Pager: !JFL *** Sto changes topic to "57 minutes till emb comes back!!!!!!!!!!!! " smight? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! *** tORn fLESh: •DCC CHAT• Request from: _DoomRulz (llama@l * JFL is away: FTPing -- Since: 22:43:15 -- Pager: !JFL -JFL- JFL is away: FTPing -- Since: 22:43:15 -- Pager: !JFL *** Joins: Scratchy_ (dead@slip166 *** Bahd^QS sets mode: +v Scratchy_ -Sto- 10<#doom2> he is circumventing the shit in #dm i bet -Sto- 10<#doom2> even though it is expired hey -JFL- JFL is away: FTPing -- Since: 22:43:15 -- Pager: !JFL -JFL- JFL is away: FTPing -- Since: 22:43:15 -- Pager: !JFL *** Sto changes topic to "52 minutes till emb comes back!!!!!!!!!!!! " haha * JFL is away: Since: 22:43:15 -- Pager: !JFL -JFL- JFL is away: FTPing -- Since: 22:43:15 -- Pager: !JFL *** Quits: owly (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) *** Joins: theyak (theyak@daphas0 well i have played a few games on madm board now how is it? can anyone nuke this bitch? or something.. not too bad depends on how the connect is I beat up on Baraka for one match.. and beat up on some guy named KillShot just now "too bad"? hehehe baraka is a gimp he is a keyboarder ya yak - is it like a dwango setup or something? I beat him 50-48 scratchy: it is sirdoom/ga mecon type thing.. it was better then most LD games I paly er play I gotta get used to the mouse lag though yak you beat baraka 50-48? otherwise I am going to be fuxored Vap: ya... doh Vap: something like that is the 1-800 line open for us to use already? you got lag? no *** Quits: SarTorI (Leaving) not for 4 hours might have been 50-10 or something i can't remember huh? 50-48 or 50-10? Vap: haha.. it wasn't close ;) nuff said DIE! and I was playing shitty too.. had my mouse sens fuxored for the game and couldn't turn I only beat really shitty players 50-33 or there abouts yea when i played him my monitor blew a fuse and all i could play by was my sound Vap: what was our score when I won? yak - is there a color advantage? not really not that I noticed.. I was red I think or maybe brown um i think 50-33 or 38 oh you were in a 4 way game? hehe.. 33 i think no it was 49 scratchy: nope.. but Madm hosts the game then kills himself to make sure there is no cheating DIE! you guys used the 800 line or the normal line? when is the 1800 number up? I used the normal line in 4hours i don't get the 1800 4 hours?!?!? ahhaha it is up at midnight bitch.. that is in 2 hours cause u in canada haha vap: hahahah you stupid fuck!!! sorry not around here canada has same fucking time zones as US in arizona midnight is in 4 hahahaha vap: in arizona.. midnight is in 3 so eat DICK yak - he monitors us?!?!? NO CHEATIng?!?1?!? um no vap: in california.. midnight is in 4 housr *** Quits: Virt (connection assraped by peer) er hours arizona is not in the same time zone as california ok thats it i am asking my dad and he will beat you up what's the 800 number? did he e-mail it or something? haha scratchy: ya, he emailed it YAK IS WRONMG it is the same as in Ca fucknut it is 8:15 yak - can we play on it if we don't have a match schedule d? or is it only meant for people playing in matches at the time? matches for that day goddamit vap: screw that.. play anytime.. blah he only has 6 modems working though whas tha number there was a lighting stomr a while ago and it fried some modems ya.. that pisses me off.. I couldn't log onto the BBS I hope it ain;t going to be that way when I need to paly he will make sure the lines are free the gamecon BBS I was on a few years ago had 150 lines whoa was a bitch to get on that one too.. was always busy play 4 player doom for hours.. heh.. first time I played doom.. we played 27 hours straight hehe * JFL is away: FTPing -- Since: 22:43:15 -- Pager: !JFL *** Quits: crom7 (Broken pipe) I went from a shitty newbie to one of the best on the board.. but I was still a keyboard er anyone want to play? then I played Tower..and I got really embarassed.. beat up real bad..and I changed to Mouse shortly after scratchy: call me yak - can't call :) scratchy: you rectal probe bahahaa watch it cuntwash :) someone tell lisa to log on anyone got her phone number? ok lemme use my telepathic power scratchy: you flatulent sphinctor.. shut yer flap wow my telepathic power gave me a stiffy stop dissin me ya walkin bloody douchebag slow with the insults you insolent sack of regurgitated shit! oh man * Hoopty is away... (( autoaway (15min) )) (since(07:35:28pm ) (pager(off) who would regurgitate shit? hahah he/she would be sicker than the shit itself haha pretty picture eh? it made me pause before I ate that last dorito =) hahahah I win ;) * theyak is the panorama ok ok * theyak is the panman wewp * Scratchy_ is pacman with a stiffy scratchy: you can be tinkerbell hwhwh thanks, I'll pass call me captain hooker no that was my last gf's nick name you can't steal it heh ok if lisa doesn't show up in 5 seconds I'm leaving *** Joins: Deth (deth@slip129-37-24 ok I was bluffing *** Quits: theyak (Connection reset by peer) *** Joins: _duke_ (duquette@bos-u <_duke_> unreal *** Scratchy_ changed nick to CallMe4DM unreal? whas unreal <_duke_> channel *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o _duke_ o * JFL is away: Since: 22:43:15 -- Pager: !JFL * JFL is away: Since: 22:43:15 -- Pager: !JFL -JFL- JFL is away: FTPing -- Since: 22:43:15 -- Pager: !JFL -JFL- JFL is away: FTPing -- Since: 22:43:15 -- Pager: !JFL -JFL- JFL is away: FTPing -- Since: 22:43:15 -- Pager: !JFL -JFL- JFL is away: FTPing -- Since: 22:43:15 -- Pager: !JFL *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o CallMe4DM *** Joins: Smight (Hberkley@tcnet0 yo.. mah women is home.. *** CallMe4DM changed nick to Rhy[tm] damn that was a fun game duke.. <_duke_> Smight: go get some luving <_duke_> Smight: yeah Duke, she don't want none now.. :) <_duke_> anytime deth: Too bad about that lag, dude. *** Rhy[tm] changed nick to Scratchy_ <_duke_> next time you can be indy -JFL- JFL is away: FTPing -- Since: 22:43:15 -- Pager: !JFL -JFL- JFL is away: FTPing -- Since: 22:43:15 -- Pager: !JFL Duke.. nah.. -JFL- JFL is away: FTPing -- Since: 22:43:15 -- Pager: !JFL <_duke_> Smight: yup bah.. :) *** Smight changed nick to Greenboy no wait.. <_duke_> i dont mind being green I have a better nick *** Greenboy changed nick to Blueguy heh <_duke_> hahhaahahah Hi.. *** Scratchy_ changed nick to AutoAim I am the BLUE GUY You may know my master.. * AutoAim is a prolific doom cheat we won't say his name.. is there a autoaim patch for 1.9? *** Blueguy changed nick to Smight *** Bahd^QS changed nick to NoRed hah * NoRed is a sucking cheat, assholes use it *** Joins: SarTorI (sartori@user-2k * JFL is back: I know... Who cares. *** NoRed changed nick to Bahd^QS I changed my pitch up and smacked dat bitch up.. *** AutoAim changed nick to DonldDong *** Quits: Deth (Ping timeout) *** Joins: _deth_ (deth@slip129-37- I can't believe madmx is monitoring for cheating haahhaha no he aint that's lame, why doesn't he trust me he is in the game so he is green and we dont get as much lag that how the board works? green takes the serverload? yes *** Joins: stell (stello@ip-43-114.tus thats how doom works rj: you there/ ? so he won't say anything when the person I play dies even tho I don't shoot <_duke_> Smight: you are a rare bird man ahah rare in what department? Coolness or cock size? <_duke_> well both hah <_duke_> your cock is the smallest ive ever seen GOod answer.. <_duke_> even czaple is larger *** DonldDong changes topic to "<_duke_> your cock is the smallest ive ever seen GOod answer.." mwahaha anyone here played price? price kicks ass Good.. duke: Are you like the holy vault of cock-size knowledge? Im gonna play him and let him be indigo yeah duke, how many #dm cocks have you seen...and more importantly..WH Y have you seen them?? hopefully he will stomp my ass.. * Smight likes ass woopin.. *** Joins: Terata (jstatz@elk2-cs-4. hahaha dont expect much is that why czaple was walking bow-legged last time I saw him? hey someone check and see if price is still banned *** Retrieving #deathmatch channel info... vap you have played him? <_duke_> heh yeah not in here hes not, smight *** Quits: Sto (Ping timeout) <_deth_> heh. everyone fled hamr's server ok.. "Abuse me more I like it..." wh'ys he banned in doom2? oh guess he's not *** Joins: Sto (rbishop@port6.butte *** Joins: ANSi5 (Alphatr0N@d-ma- yo! damn it's quiet hah I just read the topic naw.. it's not.. it's actually VERY FUCKING LOUD! anyone want to call me for a game? *** Joins: Del_Mal (~loki2@ppp-20 *** Parts: Del_Mal (~loki2@ppp-20 wish me luck my negro's im off to get my ass wooped.. *** Quits: Smight (Leaving) *** Joins: sickman (sickman@206.1 00.53.226) donld: no, you wanna call me fer a game? ansi5 - will you call me back if I do? hmmmm wish I could bro, but I'm broke judges? judges? what, whaddya mean? *** ANSi5 was kick'd by DonldDong (5.5 6.0 4.5 5.5) *** Joins: ANSi5 (Alphatr0N@d-ma- oh man the canadian judge shafted you dude weak scores! hehehe Never liked those Canadian folk anyhow * ANSi5 prepares to get his ass w00ped heheh j/k *** DonldDong changes topic to " Never liked those Canadian folk anyhow" oh yeah! I = topic bahah we;ll leave that one up for yak *** Joins: Hamr (hamr@dt010n17.ta yeah, I can't wait til he sees it Don: where do you live? donald dong ehh? like me get you a towell buddy heh err towel *** _deth_ changed nick to Deth dethypoo Yo hamr. I had the pings from hell on yer server. :( How was that level? hamr: It rules. deth: Don't worry, dude. I pimped the hell out of all those #trinity ops. :) hamr your level crashes my computer or whatever level i dl'd from that server the other night it's strag's *** Biznatch sets mode: +o Sto grippmeister the level rules fuckin mindspring blows. they are heestoory, baby! gripp, hahah strag's level *** Deth was kick'd by Biznatch (Public Flood [ChRoniC]) *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o Sto *** Quits: Hamr ( *** Quits: sickman ( *** Quits: Sto ( *** Quits: Terata ( *** Quits: stell ( *** Quits: SarTorI ( *** Quits: _duke_ ( *** Quits: DonldDong ( m *** Quits: LGD_rj ( *** Quits: YyzSinned ( *** Quits: JFL ( *** Quits: Strag ( *** Quits: Vap ( *** Quits: Hoopty ( *** Quits: LuvEwe^QS ( m *** Quits: Natha|ie ( *** Quits: Khaz_ ( *** Quits: Biznatch ( *** Quits: Gripp ( *** Quits: sseht ( *** Quits: FreshOne ( *** Quits: EmBrioniC ( WOW *** Quits: ANSi5 (Leaving) *** Joins: Sto (rbishop@port6.butte *** Joins: Deth (deth@slip129-37-24 *** Joins: Hamr (hamr@dt010n17.ta *** Joins: sickman (sickman@206.1 00.53.226) *** Joins: Terata (jstatz@elk2-cs-4. *** Joins: stell (stello@ip-43-114.tus *** Joins: SarTorI (sartori@user-2k *** Joins: _duke_ (duquette@bos-u *** Joins: LGD_rj ( *** Joins: YyzSinned (dpupello@br *** sets mode: +oooo Sto _duke_ LGD_rj YyzSinne d *** Joins: JFL (jfl@mon-pq7-36.netc *** Joins: Strag (afox@cmh1-p124.n *** Joins: Vap (fraghouse@169-183 *** Joins: Hoopty (Hoopty@206.0.6 6.12) *** Joins: LuvEwe^QS (~goat@lafc *** Joins: EmBrioniC (hmm@1Cust1 *** Joins: FreshOne (freshone@A12 *** sets mode: +oooo JFL Hoopty LuvEwe^QS FreshOne *** Joins: sseht (sseht@max01-22.q *** Joins: Natha|ie (hosebag@Shell .Busprod.Com) *** Joins: Khaz_ (~khaz@endor.hsu *** Joins: Biznatch (claver@core.xe *** Joins: Gripp (ruetem@farber250. *** sets mode: +ooo Natha|ie Biznatch Gripp *** Joins: Verminard (c9223826@D *** Natha|ie sets mode: +b *!*deth@* *** Deth was kick'd by Biznatch (Send your questions to ``ASK ZIPPY'', Box 40474, San Francisco, CA 94140, USA) *** Joins: ANSi5 (Alphatr0N@d-ma- *** Joins: DonldDong (dead@slip1 heh didn't know the bots kick for public lag. hahaha *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o DonldDong Canadians are a fine people... FORRR ME TO POOP ON *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o Verminard cool canadian basking bashing Canada... just listen to the name! :P * YyzSinned can say that cuz he's fanatically devoted to Rush *** Bahd^QS sets mode: +v DonldDong Rush is awesome 2112 baby! wewp anyone want to help me catch mickey mouse from behind? Trees kicks ass too * ANSi5 raises his hand ok you probably shouldn't be in here then well I take that back heheheh *** Sto sets mode: -b *!*deth@* anyone want to help me boof an giant animatronic elephant? *** Sto changes topic to "Don't unban Deth Dammit" an giant? a Ummm I'll pass on this one maybe some other time *** Joins: Deth (deth@slip129-37-24 damn if anyone wants to join in, there are still a few of us there ehehe come on in if you feel like some QW !op !op !op !op !op !op !op !op * Deth ducks hey, no fun *** Deth was kick'd by Biznatch (Send your questions to ``ASK ZIPPY'', Box 40474, San Francisco, CA 94140, USA) *** Natha|ie sets mode: +b *!*deth@* deth you want that acct added? ok I gotta go get a piece of that elephant !op !op !op hahaha !kick donlddong doh *** Quits: DonldDong (help me, I'm jizzing) layts leets *** Quits: YyzSinned (At the punchline, she looked at me as always, with a mixture of nothing and blan) *** Joins: Gripp_ (ruetem@farber25 !bewt donlddong hamr, where'd deth go? *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o Gripp_ *** Sto sets mode: -b *!*deth@* *** Joins: Deth (deth@slip129-37-24 * Deth grins *** Gripp_ changed nick to Grippp *** Quits: Gripp (Dead socket) *** Grippp changed nick to Gripp *** Joins: Smight (Hberkley@tcnet0 YOW !userwrite deth Price wooped my ass yo Sart ahhahahaah ahh 25 to 4 my game wow deth do you want that acct added or not bitch? *** Quits: Verminard ( *** Quits: LuvEwe^QS ( sure, sto *** Joins: Verminard (c9223826@D *** Joins: LuvEwe^QS (~goat@lafc *** sets mode: +oo Verminard LuvEwe^QS uuh i wish i could borrow someone's cable modem for a few min =] i call bullshit heh give me the exactly how you wnat it added, perfectionist bitch heh err give me the mask... <_duke_> Sto: *!*deth@*manzer.c om hahah i'll do that *** Joins: BloodyCL (~bloodycl@si *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o BloodyCL shiznut * Hoopty is away... (( autoaway (15min) )) (since(07:35:28pm ) (pager(off) uhh deth? blah *** Quits: Deth (Ping timeout) fucking blah© well, reactions guys? feedback, suggestions? to the level? strag it crashes my computer Sto: I think you had the wrong version Sto: did you get the one from my page tonight? no i'll bet it later err get Sto: that's prolly why it crashed :) i dl'd it from the server *** Quits: _duke_ (Connection reset by peer) Sto: http://www.cis.ohio-st it worked for duke Sto: he didn't play tonight I don't think - didn't he play last time? last time *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o stell off to play vap *** Quits: Smight (Leaving) *** Quits: Vap (See ya!) *** Quits: sseht (Broken pipe) *** Quits: Hamr (EOF From client) *** Quits: Sto (Laterz) *** Joins: sseht (sseht@max04-12.q *** Joins: Sto (rbishop@port6.butte Hexen2 is neat its fast like doom2 chops to hell tho, its in winshit. windows isnt its problem aw shit.. its late and shit its still beta even GL ran like shit mhmmm i didnt get to see the weapons yet, but so far it looks encouraging the fists look potant winquake runs great on my system...better than DOS...but winH2 sucks dude Windows is usually the problem Quake2 is rockin h2=chuuuunnnnnnnnnn kkkkkkk WinQuake crashes randomly on my system id like tosee Quake2.. *** Joins: ErHNAM (luckyed@248.n I've given up on QW hello um... im hearing daffy duck over my computer speakers eh be sure to use OSR2 not standard windows OSR2 is alot more stable *** Parts: ErHNAM (luckyed@248.n *** Quits: Sto ( *** Quits: sseht ( *** Quits: BloodyCL ( *** Quits: LuvEwe^QS ( m *** Quits: Verminard ( *** Quits: Gripp ( *** Quits: ANSi5 ( *** Quits: Biznatch ( *** Quits: Khaz_ ( *** Quits: Natha|ie ( *** Quits: Hoopty ( *** Quits: Strag ( *** Quits: JFL ( *** Quits: SarTorI ( *** Quits: stell ( *** Quits: LGD_rj ( *** Quits: EmBrioniC ( *** Quits: FreshOne ( *** Quits: Terata ( *** Quits: sickman ( Session Close: Fri Jul 25 05:37:46 1997 Session Start: Sat Jul 26 02:49:35 1997 *** TF: Talking in #deathmatch *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o Bahd^QS * bfgfreak No such nick/channel -_Taurus9_- You have 1 note waiting on _Taurus9_. -_Taurus9_- For a list, /MSG _Taurus9_ NOTES [pass] INDEX -BFGspazz- You have 1 note waiting on BFGspazz. Not many people know this but Bob is actually the evil twin of a friend of bahd's drinking buddy. *** Joins: |CraSheR| (unknown@1Cust1.m *** Parts: _Dustin_ (uhhhh@ip167-020.gci- One time Bob possed as the good twin of the friend of bahd's drinking buddy and went out one night with them......AND he left the bar without paying his tab. Man, that Bob (satan) is an evil person *** Joins: stello (stello@ip-43-131.tus.pri <|CraSheR|> Away! [ f0000D!!! ] (Logging/On) (Pager/Off) *** Joins: fUnKyMoNk (Pfunk@124.newark *** Bahd^QS sets mode: +v fUnKyMoNk nice topic *** Joins: FreshOne (freshone@A122010. *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o FreshOne * Krusty|CG is away....Since 21:28:03 [ Just away. Far far away ] eh/ *** Joins: Galiu ( *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o Galiu <|CraSheR|> Away! [ f0000D!!! ] (Logging/On) (Pager/Off) Session Close: Sat Jul 26 03:05:07 1997 Session Start: Thu Jul 31 00:38:50 1997 *** TF: Talking in #deathmatch *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o Bahd^QS * slag is * torn flesh v2.0b01 - don't ask... * slag on #mp3files * slag using American Information Systems-Chicago * End of /WHOIS list. * Bahd^QS looks around Hi Krusty! -> -slag- Hi dude whatsup? *** Joins: JFL ( *** Joins: leprechan (lepr@app42-80.applin Hi Leppppppppp *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o JFL yo bahd * JFL is away: Random message: I have to fulfill my potential. -- Pager: !JFL -- MsgLog: ON *** Joins: Crypt_Kpr (Crackhead@host-207-5 *** Joins: GRC-Maile (asa@ppp-206-170-20 *** Quits: Hamr (EOF From client) *** Joins: _duke_ (duquette@bos-us143.jav "Sweet Jesus!" bellowed the saucy baggage hussy as the orally fixated paraplegic diddled her oozing fried eggs and ripped his prodigious balls into her weapon-less swamp. *** Quits: GRC-Maile (im like gone or something : )) * Krusty|CG is away....Since 19:39:29 [ Watching a m00000vie ] *** Quits: Crypt_Kpr (syntax: MEAT!!!!! good.) *** Joins: Terata ( * JFL is back: I know... Who cares. *** Joins: Czaple ( m) *** Quits: Czaple () *** Joins: Czaple ( m) *** Quits: Czaple (EOF From client) *** Joins: Czaple ( m) were the hell do you change your ident on XiRCON? never midn *** Quits: Czaple () *** Joins: Czaple ( m) *** Biznatch sets mode: +o Czaple *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o Czaple WOo..armageddon show on fOx gotta love the end of the world *** Joins: FrgFuhrer (mutant@port-26-37.acc *** Bahd^QS sets mode: +v FrgFuhrer *** Quits: Czaple (syntax: it's the end of the world as we know it.................) * Krusty|CG is away.. [ WANKING ] * Krusty|CG is BacK iN BuSiNeSS * Krusty|CG Gone since 20:05:42 and for 0 minutes and 42 seconds. *** Joins: rj ( *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o rj *** Joins: _JJ_ (jrj@tampa1-014.southeast.n et) *** Quits: Vap (See ya!) * Krusty|CG is away.. [ Far away ] *** Quits: Terata (Ping timeout: 480 seconds) * JFL is away: Random message: I've been scheduled for a karma transplant. -- Pager: !JFL -- MsgLog: ON * Krusty|CG is away....Since 20:12:16 [ Far away ] *** Quits: Maile (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) *** Joins: Maile (Maile@ppp-206-170-65-88. *** Quits: FreshOne (Ping timeout) *** Joins: Terata ( *** Joins: FreshOne (~freshone@A122005.s *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o FreshOne * _duke_ is away... (( autoaway (15min) )) (since(08:39:11pm) (pager(off) * JFL is away: Random message: I've been scheduled for a karma transplant. -- Since: 20:20:31 -- Pager: !JFL -- MsgLog: ON *** Quits: FreshOne (Ping timeout) * Krusty|CG is away....Since 20:12:16 [ Far away ] *** Joins: FreshOne (~freshone@A122005.s *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o FreshOne *** Quits: FreshOne (Ping timeout) *** Parts: FrgFuhrer (mutant@port-26-37.acc * JFL is back: I know... Who cares. *** Quits: Terata (EOF From client) *** Joins: FreshOne (~freshone@A122005.s *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o FreshOne * Krusty|CG is away....Since 20:12:16 [ Far away ] *** Quits: leprechan (becker1.u.washington. edu *** Quits: Deth ( *** Joins: cajunshri (Expert@dialin35.remote *** Joins: Czaple ( m) *** Biznatch sets mode: +o Czaple *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o Czaple love that deat h *** Joins: leprechan (lepr@app42-80.applin *** Joins: Deth ( *** Quits: leprechan (Killed (ircd.concentric.n et ( <- []))) *** Joins: leprechan (lepr@app42-80.applin *** Quits: Maile (Ping timeout: 181 seconds) oh yah..that was nice. Dooms day senario's for and hour then they follow it up with a speical on detect genious in your kids *** Joins: Maile (Maile@ppp-206-170-65-88. were all gunna die! sell your computers and buy canned food! *** Joins: DonldDong (dead@slip166-72-74- *** Bahd^QS sets mode: +v DonldDong hello *** Quits: Maile (Ping timeout: 182 seconds) Hi Scratchdewde <_JJ_> deth, you here? move outta new york! or near it! hey bahd *** Joins: Maile (Maile@ppp-206-170-65-88. get earthquake insurance! Comit insurance! and chemical weapon insurance! hehe hey I'll sell you some suffocation-through-deer-dropings insurances you guys hear about the dude that is selling parts of the moon? I'm forgetting about upgrading my computer. I'm gunna go buy $150 worth of canned cream mushroom soup mars not the moon *** Quits: cajunshri (Ping timeout) pretty sure it was the moon] it was mars *** Joins: Vap (fraghouse@170-114-61.ipt.a they had him on the radio yesterday *** Joins: _spinal (_spinal_@ub0.dreamsca haha unless there's another guy seling parts of the moon hey spinal <_spinal> hey longgond <_spinal> =] maybe there is heh dude's made like a 100k off that shit too * Krusty|CG is away....Since 20:12:16 [ Far away ] man..every time I see one of those dooms day shows it gives me another reason to not go out and get job *** Joins: Price^QS ( ) me no get job. Me no want spend last years on earth do work me want sit on internet and watch naked women suck on rubber dildo heh *** Quits: rj (bah, UO is worse now than pre-alpha) *** Joins: Trait-R-O (~Dr-Funk@llc-pm1-S8.ll hmm *** tORn fLESh: 10 Minute LAG Update *** tORn fLESh: •DCC CHAT• Request from: _Dustin_ ( *** Trait-R-O changed nick to Dr-Funk *** Quits: DonldDong (Ping timeout) *** Joins: aliengrey (aliengrey@208.201.52. 233) !seen madmx * _duke_ is away... (( autoaway (15min) )) (since(08:39:11pm) (pager(off) <_spinal> hey vap how come yer not in #doom2 today? You to cool for us? =] * Krusty|CG is away....Since 20:12:16 [ Far away ] *** Quits: Dr-Funk ( *** Quits: Krusty|CG ( * Czaple is away... (( autoaway (15min) )) (since(08:26:27pm) (pager(off) *** Joins: Sto ( m) h0 *** Price^QS changed nick to MarWillis *** Joins: Terata ( hey sto hey marwillis *** Quits: Sto ( * *** Quits: MarWillis ( * *** Joins: Sto ( m) *** Joins: MarWillis ( ) hrmm *** Joins: Terazilla ( *** Quits: Terata (EOF From client) gaa! *** Terazilla changed nick to Terata blah *** Joins: Hamr (hamr@dt010n17.tampabay. well i see everyone is about as talkative as normal <_spinal> yes sir heh *** Joins: uRiDiAN (Uridian@wb21.uconect. net) can someone here send me pkzipfix? i will be eternally grateful *** Quits: Czaple (Broken pipe) *** Joins: NeBuLoUs (robinson@pm3-19.slc. *** Quits: MarWillis (Connection reset by peer) *** Quits: _spinal (blah (copyrighted by spinal... sorry sto)) *** Quits: Strag (Leaving) *** Bahd^QS changed nick to Bahd_QS *** Quits: Sto (I'm getting sleepy... Zzzzzz) *** Quits: Vap (See ya!) *** Quits: leprechan (the dreams in which i'm dying are the best i've ever had) * JFL is away: Random message: I made an appointment with a cuticle specialist. -- Pager: !JFL -- MsgLog: ON * _duke_ is away... (( autoaway (15min) )) (since(08:39:11pm) (pager(off) *** Joins: Czaple ( m) *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o Czaple *** Quits: NeBuLoUs (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) *** Quits: Czaple () *** Joins: NeBuLoUs (robinson@pm3-19.slc. *** Quits: Maile ( *** Joins: Czaple ( m) *** Biznatch sets mode: +o Czaple *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o Czaple *** Joins: Maile (Maile@ppp-206-170-65-88. *** Quits: Maile (Leaving) *** Quits: aliengrey (Connection reset by peer) *** Joins: aliengrey (aliengrey@208.201.52. 233) *** Joins: Maile (Maile@ppp-206-170-65-88. *** sets mode: +o Maile *** Biznatch sets mode: -o Maile *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: -o Maile *** BloodyCL sets mode: -o Maile *** Natha|ie sets mode: -o Maile *** Joins: R3d ( bahd JFL duke R3D JFL: ils parlent d Qui ? sait pas... Qui, Quand Comment ?¿?¿?¿ hmm :( *** Joins: sickman (sickman@ 7) Ils Con MoFo Ogre PooP *** Parts: NeBuLoUs (robinson@pm3-19.slc. R3d: as-tu change de ISP ? sais pas *** Quits: Maile (Leaving) ? non celui ci c'est mon home account ahh JFL #trinity dit que #deathmatch (efnet) organise dmcon a montreal *** Joins: shiro (g0n@dial-3.r3.scflr.southtec woop dee doo. genre en janvier hmm sslasher va faire un gros netparty en janvier *** Joins: Maile (Maile@ppp-206-170-65-41. debut janvier *** Joins: Czap|e ( m) umm....french es gaye? heh ah *** Biznatch sets mode: +o Czap|e *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o Czap|e er comment gros? shiro, shut the fuck up you bitch *** JFL sets mode: +v R3d T'as s hargh clavier anglias Non haha w00 damn damn damn hmm laisse moi regarder sur le bot pis tu sais tu autre chose? hmm pas vraiment mais je sais que beaucoup de monde va y aller mais galiu en sait plus que moi k wow sickman almost took some french classes hahah just kidding r3d damn huh> wah? ok, ben si tu les vois, dis leur de me laisser un msg (a red1) avec leur emails aieee ummm ok mine schlange es lange j'ai participae a naid 95 (500 personnes), aider a naid 96 (700) et Quakecon 97 (500), je pense pouvoir les aider un peu *** Quits: Czaple (Broken pipe) hehe argargar......translate that or something *** Czap|e changed nick to Czaple I have a dictionary for sale :) no just...SPEAK ENGLISH hmm hahaha its not hard to follow dude I know no french though...or whatever that is ive gotten the jist of most of what they said...and i never had a french class w000 and beer is 18 here, not 21, like QC haha -R3d- <NonWallOp/9/#deathmatch> have their emails -R3d- <NonWallOp/9/#deathmatch> oops, sorry !op *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o aliengrey *** BloodyCL sets mode: +o aliengrey *** Biznatch sets mode: +o aliengrey *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o aliengrey ag hoe huh it's red1, foo, the #unreal idler oh ya *** Joins: GoatLuvr (sickman@yoss.canweb. net) foo (who stoped idling lately) *** Natha|ie sets mode: -o aliengrey in #unreal anyway *** BloodyCL sets mode: +o GoatLuvr um *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o GoatLuvr the fuck bitch !op *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o aliengrey *** BloodyCL sets mode: +o aliengrey *** Biznatch sets mode: +o aliengrey *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o aliengrey *** Natha|ie sets mode: -o aliengrey natch is on crack neat uhhhhh goatluvr !op *** GoatLuvr sets mode: +o aliengrey *** GoatLuvr sets mode: -o aliengrey natha|ie !whoami fuck you wtf is going on the fuck goatluvr !whoami !whoami *** Quits: Maile (Leaving) fuck you cunt ag: someone is havnig fun with you *** Parts: shiro (g0n@dial-3.r3.scflr.southtec great *** Joins: Maile (Maile@ppp-206-170-65-65. *** Quits: Gripp (rebooting) *** GoatLuvr sets mode: +o aliengrey *** BloodyCL sets mode: +o aliengrey *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o aliengrey *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o aliengrey * _duke_ is away... (( autoaway (15min) )) (since(08:39:11pm) (pager(off) *** Biznatch sets mode: +o aliengrey * _duke_ is back... (( you may be seated )) hmm <_duke_> fucking timer set it to 123121seconds <_duke_> i turned the shit off <_duke_> i had to reset uyp syntax when i went to nt server crazy *** Joins: IroNovA (me@ppp041-trnt.injersey .com) <_duke_> its all stored in the registry my pc is moving in super slo mo with this winamp beta * JFL is away: Random message: I'm staying home to work on my cottage cheese sculpture. -- Pager: !JFL -- MsgLog: ON *** Joins: _spinal (_spinal_@ua23.dreamsc * JFL is back: I know... Who cares. *** Joins: Gripp ( *** GoatLuvr sets mode: +o Gripp *** Natha|ie sets mode: +o Gripp *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o Gripp i gotta play "Der Frag" in madm..who ever that is <_spinal> thats frgfuehrer <_spinal> good luck ag oh? why he good? <_spinal> well he use to be <_spinal> I dunno if he's back into doom shape =] <_spinal> him an blitz are locals im gonna have to school him <_spinal> oh you are eh? =] <_spinal> hehe yep <_spinal> well he was REAL good when he was into dooming <_spinal> cant believe ya never heard of him i have, didnt think he was any good brb, gotta upgrade my x2 code *** Quits: aliengrey (syntax: blah..0h37m 13s) * Czaple is away... (( autoaway (15min) )) (since(09:55:31pm) (pager(off) *** Quits: Natha|ie (Connection reset by peer) *** Quits: JFL (Be back later) *** Parts: R3d ( *** Joins: aliengrey (aliengrey@208.201.52. 233) *** Joins: Natha|ie (hosebag@Shell.Buspro d.Com) *** GoatLuvr sets mode: +o Natha|ie *** BloodyCL sets mode: +o Natha|ie *** Biznatch sets mode: +o Natha|ie *** LuvEwe^QS sets mode: +o Natha|ie * _duke_ is away... (( autoaway (15min) )) (since(11:04:05pm) (pager(off) *** Joins: Smight_ (~Hberkley@tcnet01-33.h !op *** BloodyCL sets mode: +o Smight_ <_duke_> !op *** GoatLuvr sets mode: +o _duke_ YooHoo! *** _duke_ changes topic to "gout fucking sucks" gout huh? yow.. <_duke_> yup gout is bad.. pain out the ass, er foot.. <_duke_> its not what i call fun oooo k <_duke_> hahah yeah the fuck is gout *** Joins: fuckhead (m@pacific-17.vf.pond.c om) <_duke_> menu/encyclop/article/art_g/gout.htm oh boy it's nice of you to share your disease with us duke <_spinal> Hey ag can u tell me the matches this week for madm tourny? <_duke_> Czaple: no problem man *** Parts: Hamr (hamr@dt010n17.tampabay.r yeah 1 second <_spinal> ok thanks <_duke_> Czaple: i figured everyone would want to know 6pm I feel like I gotta share a disease with you now Interceptor vs N.U.D. 6:30pm Wacks vs Spooky 7pm NightJade vs Scratchy 7:30pm *** Joins: owly (beesknees@slip129-37-196- Der Frag vs Aliengrey *** Joins: Hamr (hamr@dt010n17.tampabay. 8pm Wulf vs Apocalypse *** IroNovA changed nick to MethMan 9pm Jaz vs Sseht *** Biznatch sets mode: +o owly 10pm XoLeRaS vs Crasher *** MethMan changed nick to IroNovA daaaaats it <_spinal> hehe crash got stuck w/ xol <_spinal> thanks i wanted xol that the madm tornament? <_spinal> Why he's got a local advantage. maybe less lag for him =p werd <_duke_> (Natha|ie(hosebag@Shell.Busp rod.Com) You're not authenticated! <_duke_> Czaple: man im sorry about the leprosy! *** Quits: Maile ( *** Quits: fuckhead (Connection reset by peer) im gona try callin later to play some doom *** Joins: Maile (Maile@ppp-206-170-65-65. just one of those things. If you want I could mail you the next part of my body that falls off. You could frame it maybe to remember me by i need to find a god damn init for this x2 shit <_duke_> heheh works fine onmy local bbs, shit for long distance [aliengrey] my init for my usr 28.8 works fine for my x2 * Czaple is back... (( generic back msg )) yeah, gimme * Czaple is away... (( watching the spirit of christmas again )) (since(10:15:17pm) (pager(off) x2 dont like at&f1 gimme? that's no way to talk to a hold on *** Joins: Terata ( * aliengrey blinks AT &F1 &B0 &I0 &N0 &M0 &K0 &H1 werks for me that's what I use with mine.. x2 doesn't work unless you have digital lines anyway.. i think smight might have been the one to give me that * owly doesnt think he has digital lines or you have less than 3 analog hops to your digital switchboard.. what happens if you dont? X2 sucks. It's a crime that v.mach was never used. well then you don't get x2.. x2 depends on the line quality to improve performance.. Session Close: Thu Jul 31 04:16:27 1997 Session Start: Fri Aug 01 01:36:21 1997